
Five Tips of Yilan in Autumn

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The crisp autumn season is the second golden season for Yilan. Autumn Yilan is the link between the preceding and the next every year, which is not only the harvest season for bluegrass seedlings, but also the gratifying time for Lanbao to be angry. How to grasp the autumn magnolia is related to the success or failure of the annual orchid cultivation, and it is also the key to the prosperity and growth of bluegrass next year. The author put the autumn Yilan.

The crisp autumn season is the second golden season for Yilan. Autumn Yilan is the link between the preceding and the next every year, which is not only the harvest season for bluegrass seedlings, but also the gratifying time for Lanbao to be angry. How to grasp the autumn magnolia is related to the success or failure of the annual orchid cultivation, and it is also the key to the prosperity and growth of bluegrass next year. The author sums up the key points of Yilan in autumn as "five tips". The light should be "sufficient". In the golden autumn, sunshine is a valuable source of power for orchids. In addition to the need for a little shade in early autumn, bluegrass can absorb the sun most of the time in autumn. One is to make grass. Bluegrass that receives more light will certainly be stronger and healthier, will enhance resistance and resistance, and the infection of diseases will naturally be reduced. The second is to promote flowers. Late summer and early autumn is the key time to promote flowers. Sunlight becomes the energy factor of stamen gestation and firmness. Orchid friends with experience in orchid picking can find that more wild orchids must blossom early and have more flowers, as do domestic orchids. As the ancients said, "the more yang, the better the flower." The third is to gather incense. Orchids raised in a sunny environment will be more fragrant and the flowers will last longer. This is the main reason why orchids are more fragrant before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Therefore, enter the autumn, let your bluegrass enjoy sunbathing, happy and free to grow, so that the bluegrass will be in full bloom. Watering should be "moist". As the saying goes, "Don't do it in autumn". That is to say, the key point of watering orchid in autumn is to prevent dryness, and to ensure that the basin soil is in the best state of moisture. This is due to the climatic characteristics of dry autumn. It is necessary to ensure that the pot soil is not dry and moist, so that the flower buds can thrive and breed the pot at the right time. The "sweet-scented osmanthus steaming" and "water chestnut dryness" mentioned in the maintenance Law of Lanhui Tongxinlu, a famous orchid family in the Qing Dynasty in the eighth month of the lunar calendar, are common phenologies that appear in autumn. Therefore, to ensure that the basin soil is not allowed to dry up and hurt the roots, we should mainly grasp two points. The first is watering according to the situation. According to the dry degree of the basin soil, the growth trend of the orchid, the number of seedlings and the cloudy and sunny weather, the proper way of soaking, watering and moistening the basin surface is the orchid water supply. The second is moderate water control. It is to lengthen the interval of watering properly so as to achieve the effect of training orchid seedlings and promoting stamens gestation. But do not blindly in order to control water and make the basin soil not moist and dry, which is counterproductive, and finally end up with an empty root wound orchid result. Fertilization should be "skillful". Fertilizing in autumn, it is necessary to distinguish different situations and adopt different fertilization methods to achieve the purpose of promoting flowers or seedlings. First, the pregnant stamens promote flowers. In general, if the strong seedlings thrive sufficiently from the sun, take the method of moderate water control, coupled with ingenious fertilization, the stamens will easily be issued from time to time. For the full reproductive growth of strong seedlings, choose to promote flower fertilizer, boldly apply thin fertilizer frequently, winter to spring, Lan Hui fragrance is not difficult. 1/1000 potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus some boron fertilizer, alternately with Gaocui and other flower-promoting fertilizers, can be applied every three or five days, of course, the shorter the interval, the lower the concentration. Experienced orchid friends choose fully mature alum fertilizer and water to promote flowers, making the flowers more fragrant. In order to save time, sometimes fertilization can also be combined with insecticidal sterilization, whether insecticidal or fertilization, adding some vinegar will be conducive to the absorption of bluegrass. The second is to promote budding and promoting grass. As we all know, autumn is the second growth period of bluegrass except spring. In this season, for orchid that does not blossom or does not allow flowering, seize the opportunity to fatten up, which can provide sufficient nutritional reserves for the germination of autumn and winter buds. Although the pros and cons of orchid sprouts issued in the second half of the year are controversial among orchid friends, the author thinks that as long as they are properly managed, the promotion of autumn and winter orchid buds will be equivalent to more than half a year of grass, and can also be strong. In the method of fertilization, alternately spraying chemical fertilizer and pouring organic fertilizer can be carried out, but the choice of fertilizer type should be mainly nitrogen-containing, urea, high-nitrogen compound fertilizer, Gaocui and orchid king, and so on. In this way, the new grass will be more secure when it grows strong. Even if the bud-promoting effect of that year is not brought into full play, it can lay the foundation for the germination of new grass in vertical spring. Divide the basin to be "fine". "the Spring Equinox" and "the Autumn Equinox" are the best time for bluegrass to split up. Dividing pots in spring is beneficial to blooming in autumn, and dividing grass in autumn is beneficial to sprouting in next spring. Therefore, the pots of orchid seedlings before and after the Autumn Equinox should be treated carefully and cautiously, especially for orchid plants with flower buds, so as not to damage the bud or be infected. One is the ramet after anthesis. For flowering orchids and other orchid species, pots can be divided after more than a week of post-anthesis dormancy. Second, separate plants and seedlings. For the spring cymbidium without bud or late autumn stamens, the Autumn Equinox can increase the seedling period of orchid grass by about a month. The division of grass in autumn has two points to pay attention to. First, slow irrigation of "fixed root water" is a common practice of dividing the basin in autumn. As the pot division breaks the growth cycle of bluegrass, the next growth must begin after the "dormant period" of the week after the division, so watering immediately after the division will be in danger of stagnant water and root damage. Second, the implementation of "semi-separation" is one of the important secrets of multiple seedlings. The so-called "semi-separation" is to hold the Reed head on both sides of the intersection of the orchid plant with both hands and twist it 90 degrees, not only breaking the connection between the tearing Reed head, but also maintaining the adhesion between them. In this way, it breaks through the chain connection of pseudobulbs and promotes the apical advantage of orchid plants, so as to stimulate bud germination and achieve the purpose of multiple seedlings. It is necessary to drink to protect flowers. Flower appreciation is the unremitting pursuit of Orchid Yilan, and Orchid Bao blooming is the best reward for Lanyou's hard work. There are three main points in the maintenance of flower buds: the first is to select the good and eliminate the bad. The accumulated nutrition of orchids is limited, and the weak flowers with poor growth should be picked without mercy in accordance with the principle of selecting and staying, leaving an appropriate number of excellent representatives, so as to provide the strongest bud with the most adequate nutrition, so as to facilitate the smooth release of flowers. make sure the flowers are in place. Picking flowers should be carried out at the end of autumn. if it is picked too early, it will be heavy with a bud, wasting only nutrition. You can take the method of pinching the bud to twist 90 degrees to remove the bud, and then sprinkle some nail care in the wound to prevent infection. The second is sterilization and disinfestation. Regular spraying of insecticides and fungicides is to prevent insect bites, and even to get into the bud to eat buds, sterilization is to eliminate flower mildew, do not let years of hard work to destroy the results of Yilan. The third is to avoid rain as much as possible. Bluegrass with a bud can not be often drenched in the rain, watering do not let the water wet the bud, try to avoid Rain Water soaking the bud. Do these well, the hard work of a year of maintenance will eventually usher in the enjoyment of delicate fragrance!