
How to raise lilies in the latest oil spot

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Oil spot lily is a perennial herb of the lily family, it has a very hot nickname, called leopard print Hongbao. This plant is native to South Africa. At present, it is still a plant with a relatively small audience in China. Its leaves are silvery green and are interspersed with many.

Oil spot lily is a perennial herb of the lily family, it has a very hot nickname, called leopard print Hongbao. This plant originated in South Africa, at present in China is still a relatively small audience of plants, its leaves are silver-green, interspersed with many irregular dark green spots. The following pro-agricultural network will introduce the breeding methods of oil lilies for you.

I. temperature control

Oil lily is a kind of plant that is not resistant to cold. The most suitable growth temperature is about 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, and it will stop growing when it is lower than 10 ℃. Therefore, when breeding in our country, it is necessary to move to indoor or greenhouse in winter to ensure the safety of oil lily overwintering.

Second, lighting demand

Oil-dotted lilies like to grow in a sunny environment. Light is closely related to growth morphology. The more sufficient the light is, the fatter the plant is. If the light is not enough, it will make the plant grow too much. In the process of maintenance, we can judge whether the light supply is sufficient by observing the new leaves. if the new leaves are wider and lighter than the old leaves, it means that the plant is not illuminated enough and needs to be moved to a place with more sufficient light in time.

III. Fertilizer and water management

The demand for fat and water of oil lily is not high. Generally speaking, as long as enough base fertilizer is added when changing the basin, there is no need to apply additional fertilizer.

Oil point lily is a bulb root, watering to achieve "dry and wet", keep the basin soil basically moist, control the amount of water, avoid stagnant water in the basin. When it is hot in summer, water can be watered every two days, or spray can be used to increase the humidity of the surrounding air. You can also judge whether or not to water by observing the growth of the leaves. If the leaves of the lily look a little low and are not as erect as they used to be, and the color of the leaves is dimmer, you can water them properly.

IV. Selection of soil and containers

Choose a well-drained soil for planting, and it is best to choose a wide and shallow pot. It should be noted that with the growth of the plant, many lateral buds grow, resulting in overcrowding, covering each other, affecting the light and causing overgrowth, so it is best to divide the plants regularly to maintain the beauty of the plant.

5. Methods of reproduction

There are mainly two kinds of reproduction of oil lily: ramet and sowing, generally choose the former, spring, summer and autumn can be carried out, carefully separate the oil lily from the bulb, at the same time cut off the old leaves, dead leaves, and then plant. Sowing seeds can be pollinated with a brush when the flowers bloom. After the seeds are ripe, the seeds are collected and sown on a well-drained medium. After the seedlings germinate, fat stems will grow.

The above is the breeding method of oil lily brought by pro-agricultural network. In recent years, succulent plants are very popular. In fact, a little saturated is also one of the succulent plants, and they are mostly sold in small potted plants in the market. If enough light is given, the short succulent leaves and bulbs of oil lilies are very lovable.