
The latest maintenance methods of Oxalis purpurea

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Elaeagnus angustifolia is an exotic plant, but it has been successfully introduced in China. With regard to the origin of purple leaf sorrel, some say it is Brazil, others say it is Mexico, so there is no further exploration here. Elaeagnus angustifolia is a good foliage plant.

Oxalis purpurea is an exotic plant, but it has been successfully introduced in China. About the origin of purple leaf sorrel, some say Brazil, some say Mexico, here will not make in-depth exploration. Purple leaf sorrel is a very good foliage plant, because its maximum height is only 30 cm, when planted in pieces covered on the ground is very beautiful, the following pro-agricultural network to take a look at the maintenance method of this plant, understand the growth needs of purple leaf sorrel.

Oxalis purpurea likes warm and humid environment, more able to withstand drought, the most suitable growth temperature is 16℃~22℃, at the same time need sufficient light, in addition to strong summer light needs appropriate shade, usually can be given full sunlight to maintain. Below we specifically to understand the purple leaf sorrel maintenance method.

I. Temperature

Oxalis purpurea is not cold-resistant, plants stop growing below 10℃, leaves wither at 0℃. However, as long as the underground rhizomes are not frozen, new leaves can still sprout in April of the following year and grow normally. In winter, the leaves should be kept in normal condition and the temperature should be kept above 5℃. At the same time, it is not resistant to high temperature. When the temperature exceeds 35℃, the leaves curl, grow slowly, and enter the dormancy period. To timely spray water to the leaves, and shade and strengthen ventilation.

II. Light

Spring and autumn season to receive sufficient sunlight, too shade will cause leaves dull, while petiole thin, plant type scattered. But also to avoid direct sunlight, May to September to properly shade, so as not to burn the sun. The phototaxis of sorrel is stronger, when maintaining, put on balcony, windowsill, want to change the position of plant often, let its all round receive light evenly.

III. Moisture

During the growth period, keep the basin soil moist and adhere to the principle of "not dry, not irrigated, irrigated". Summer high temperature season, plants into dormancy period, at this time should be sprayed, keep pot soil slightly wet can be. In winter, the temperature drops below 10℃, and the watering should be dry rather than wet to prevent the bulbs from rotting. Proper rain helps growth and development. However, timely drainage, basin soil accumulation rain will cause leaf rot, resulting in plant death in pieces. When the growth environment is dry, spray water around in time to increase humidity.

IV. Fertilization

When putting on the basin, apply enough fertilizer. In order to make the plants grow healthily and ensure that the leaves are plump and shiny, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer is applied once a month in the growing season. Pay attention to the concentration when fertilizing. Too much concentration will burn the bulbs and affect their growth. Fertilization stops in July and August.

Be careful not to apply single fertilizer, especially nitrogen fertilizer, which will make the leaves turn purple and green, affecting the viewing. Don't splash liquid fertilizer on leaf surface when fertilizing, which is easy to cause leaf disease.

V. Trimming

The purple leaf sorrel needs to be pruned when the following conditions occur:

1. When the plant grows too vigorously, it is necessary to remove the dense leaves in time to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions and promote growth.

2. Of course, in daily maintenance, we should remove the withered leaves in time to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

3. Flowering pay attention to beautiful, when petiole is too long or plant type is not beautiful, you can cut leaves, let it grow new leaves again.

The above is the pro-agricultural network for everyone to introduce the maintenance method of purple leaf sorrel, you can see that the maintenance of purple leaf sorrel is relatively simple, this plant is more suitable for group cultivation, you can all lay the ground into a purple one, neatly arranged very spectacular, at the same time purple leaf sorrel also has a certain effect, external use has the effect of swelling pain.