
Speed up the comprehensive utilization of sericulture resources in China

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, the reporter learned from the national meeting on comprehensive utilization of sericulture resources held by the Ministry of Agriculture in Yizhou, Guangxi that in 2014, the output value of diversified utilization of sericulture resources in China was nearly 15.5 billion yuan, an increase of 59 percent over the 5.7 billion yuan in 2010. This shows that the sericulture industry in China is accelerating its spread.

Recently, the reporter learned from the national meeting on comprehensive utilization of sericulture resources held by the Ministry of Agriculture in Yizhou, Guangxi that in 2014, the output value of diversified utilization of sericulture resources in China was nearly 15.5 billion yuan, an increase of 59 percent over the 5.7 billion yuan in 2010. This shows that China's sericulture industry is accelerating from the traditional single industrial development model of "one cocoon" and "one silk" to the diversified development mode of "one mulberry garden" and "a series of resources".

China has a history of planting mulberry and sericulture for more than 5000 years, which is the starting point of the "Silk Road" in history, and is still the world's largest sericulture producer and silk exporter. In 2014, more than 8 million households in more than 700 counties across the country planted mulberry and sericulture, accounting for about 80% of the world's total cocoon and silk production. Under the traditional industrial development model of "mulberry-silkworm-cocoon-silk-silk-finished products", planting mulberry sericulture is for "one cocoon", while mulberry roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, silkworm pupae, silkworm moths, silkworm sand and other resources are often idle, resulting in less than 3% utilization of sericulture resources, which not only restricts the improvement of the comparative efficiency of sericulture, but also makes the development of sericulture industry face severe challenges.

The so-called comprehensive utilization of sericulture resources means that in addition to the traditional industrial development model, expand sericulture production from planting sericulture to production and management activities including mulberry three-dimensional cultivation, cultural tourism and mulberry leaf, mulberry branch, mulberry fruit, sericulture sand, sericulture room utilization, its purpose is to use modern science and technology and the concept of circular low-carbon economy to comprehensively develop the material, biological and cultural resources of each link of the sericulture industry chain.

The comprehensive utilization of sericulture resources has a bright future in the aspects of making the best use of things and increasing farmers' income. Taking the planting and rearing model of Panzhihua in Sichuan as an example, the normal income of sericulture per mu is 3000 yuan per year, plus the income of selling fresh mulberry fruits, processing mulberry leaf tea and mulberry leaf vegetables without sericulture can be increased by 5100 yuan. With the industrial development of mulberry juice, mulberry mycelia, edible pupae, silkworm sand fertilizer and other resources, the comprehensive utilization rate of sericulture resources in China has been close to 20%.

In order to speed up the comprehensive utilization of sericulture and promote the transformation and development of industry, the meeting requires sericulture management departments at all levels to formulate a development plan for the comprehensive utilization of sericulture resources in the light of local conditions, so as to guide various factors to be further concentrated in superior producing areas; strengthen the research and development of practical technology, promote the results of scientific research in production in time, strengthen technical guidance, and strive to improve the level of production. Guide new agricultural operators, such as agricultural cooperatives, family farms and leading enterprises, to participate in the development and utilization of sericulture resources, promote large-scale operation and standardized production, and drive farmers to become rich. While developing the comprehensive utilization of sericulture resources, we should strengthen the protection of silkworm variety resources, variety breeding, variety approval and improved seed breeding, standardize the order of sericulture production and management, and promote the sustained and stable development of sericulture production throughout the country.