
"Six industries" promote agricultural integration and value-added, so that farmers can share value-added income

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, China's agricultural production bears the double squeeze of rising cost floor and falling price ceiling, and farmers 'profits are limited only by growing grain. To promote the integration and development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, so that farmers can enjoy the value-added of the whole industrial chain, China's agricultural competition

At present, China's agricultural production is suffering from the double squeeze of rising cost "floor" and falling price "ceiling", and farmers' profits are limited only by growing grain. To promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, so that farmers can enjoy the value-added of the whole industrial chain, the competitiveness of China's agriculture can be continuously improved.

When you travel to some countries, you will find that the really livable place is not a big city full of high-rise buildings, but in the countryside. However, the agriculture in these villages is no longer traditional agriculture, but the "six industries" that integrate the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and it is a new economic structure that integrates the production, life and ecological functions of agriculture.

This year's Central Committee document No. 1 proposed to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. Over the past few months, the "six industries" have been heating up all over the country. How to understand the "six industries"? How to develop the "six industries"?

The "six industries" have a lot of benefits.

Pick Loquat-Shaped Cake, enjoy lilies, pick fresh bayberry, taste farm rice. Since the beginning of summer, there has been a steady stream of citizens going to Zhongxishan Village, Fujita Town, Yongfeng County, Jiangxi Province every day to experience the rare pastoral fun. Zhongxi Mountain Village is a famous local village specializing in lily and fruit growing. after the construction of cement roads and farm restaurants, it has become a good place for many city people to relax on holidays.

"after ordinary fruit is harvested, if farmers sell it directly on the ground, it will cost only a few yuan per catty; if it is processed and sold into fruit juice, the profit will double; and if it is a fruit with a brand, organic cultivation or traceable quality, the price will be greatly increased. In the season when melons and fruits are fragrant, when city people come to the orchard to enjoy the scenery, pick, and eat farm food, the income of farmers is even more different. " Yuan Gexia, deputy director of the Agricultural Bureau of Yongfeng County, said that the agricultural industry "one after another" has broadened the channels for farmers to increase their income. Last year, the per capita net income of farmers in the county exceeded 10,000 yuan for the first time.

The "one after another" of agriculture in Yongfeng County is an example of the development of "six industries". The so-called "six industries" is an image, which was first put forward by Japanese scholars in the 1990s. At that time, Japan was faced with the problem of lack of agricultural successors and the decline of rural areas. In order to stimulate the vitality of agricultural development, we began to promote the extension of agricultural production to the secondary and tertiary industries, forming a complete industrial chain with the integration of production, processing, sales and service. Because "1 × 2 × 3" equals 6, "1 × 2 × 3" also equals 6, so it is named "six industries". Nowadays, the theory of "six industries" has become popular all over the world.

Zhang Hongyu, director of the Department of Economic Management of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: the "six industries" are consistent with the connotation of letting agriculture "one after another" that our country has always advocated, and farmers can get more value-added benefits by improving agricultural processing, sales, and services. Farmers should not only be engaged in planting or breeding (primary production), but also engaged in agricultural product processing (secondary production) and agricultural product circulation and leisure agriculture (tertiary production). There is no doubt that this has brought a wealth of imagination space to Chinese agriculture in the transitional period.

At present, the momentum of integrated development of agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries has begun to appear all over the country. For example, develop sightseeing agriculture and urban agriculture in the suburbs of cities and towns; develop information agriculture and facility agriculture in developed areas; and develop high-end value-added agriculture and establish agricultural products processing bases in major agricultural areas. With the rapid development of rural tourism and leisure agriculture in some places, it has become the pillar of the local economy. It is difficult to distinguish between the primary industry and the tertiary industry.

Integration and development is imperative

The integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is the inevitable outcome of agricultural development at the present stage. Zhu Xinkai, a professor at Renmin University of China and vice chairman of the Leisure Agriculture expert Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: under the new normal, we should not only have a new understanding of agriculture, but also find a new way out for the sustainable development of agriculture. Agriculture itself has versatility, not only production function, but also ecological, life, cultural and other functions. Each function gives rise to infinite possibilities.

"although fewer and fewer farmers are directly engaged in agricultural production, society needs more and more kinds of agricultural products and higher quality requirements. It can be said that although agriculture is the oldest traditional industry, it will never disappear. It's just that the path of development has changed." Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Rural Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that today's agriculture is completely different from that of the past. Only by upgrading agriculture from primary industry to six industries can we better develop agriculture and give better play to its role in China's economy and society.

At present, the development of "six industries" has become the conscious action of many farmers. At present, China's agricultural production is facing the double pressure of rising cost floor and falling price ceiling, and farmers are bound to make limited profits by relying on a single planting industry or animal husbandry. "We must march into the depth and breadth of agriculture, subdivide more jobs and income opportunities by lengthening the industrial chain, create more new forms of industry, and become a new point of economic growth." Zong Jinyao, director of the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, said.

However, at present, the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas is still in the primary stage, and the degree of integration between agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries is low and shallow. In many places, the relationship between the rural secondary and tertiary industries and farmers is basically two skins, there is no long-term contract, lack of stable relationship and common interests, there is no real establishment of a collaborative supply chain.

Let farmers share the value-added benefits

How can we upgrade agriculture to six industries? Do you rely on the government or the market body? Do you rely on farmers or leading enterprises? Li Guoxiang believes that from the perspective of China's national conditions and agricultural conditions, upgrading agriculture to "six industries" is a systematic project, and it is necessary to extensively mobilize the forces of the whole society and mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, not only with the support and guidance of the government, but also with the efforts of relevant production and management subjects, as well as the concern of the whole society.

The "six industries" sounds beautiful, but it cannot be done across the board. The key is to adapt measures to local conditions, have regional characteristics, and give full play to the local natural endowment in order to become bigger. "Ducks with warm water in the river are the first to feel the smell of spring." what kind of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries can integrate and develop better depends on the behavior of agricultural operators. The integration and development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas involves a wide range of areas, strong complexity, and the dominant characteristics of cross-border integration are significant. If the traditional operators represented by ordinary farmers can not be transformed into new agricultural operators, it is often difficult to play a leading role in the integration and development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas.

In addition to breaking through the shackles of traditional agriculture in concept, it is also necessary to achieve breakthroughs in business model, system, mode and so on. "to upgrade agriculture to six industries, the key force is to have the ability to manage and control the whole industry chain of leading enterprises, and to establish a close interest relationship with farmers." Li Guoxiang said: in most cases, such leading enterprises do not directly engage in agricultural production, but mainly provide pre-and post-natal services for peasant household production, and take the form of contracts or orders through cooperatives as intermediaries to organically integrate the primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

In the process of the development of the "six industries", we must adhere to the dominant position of farmers and respect their wishes in order to avoid the difficulties faced by some industries. Wang Haibo, vice president of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, said that the key is to introduce modern industrial development concepts and organizational methods, such as industrial chain and value chain, into agriculture, extend the industrial chain, build a supply chain, form a whole industrial chain, and improve the interest linkage mechanism. let farmers get more benefits from the industrial chain.

A number of experts suggest that the government can guide and encourage all kinds of main bodies of agriculture and related industries through financial support for agriculture, tax relief, financial support for agriculture, price support and other means to promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.