
What about the latest white leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, White palm also known as white calla, is a perennial herb araceae, flowering period is very beautiful. White crane placed in the home has the effect of absorbing home exhaust gas, so it is a very suitable place in the home, especially in the newly renovated house, even if not open.

White palm, also known as white taro, is a kind of perennial herb of Araceae, which is very beautiful in flowering period. White crane taro has the effect of absorbing exhaust gas at home, so it is very suitable to be placed at home, especially in newly decorated houses, even when it is not blooming, it can be planted as an excellent indoor foliage plant, but if the leaves droop during breeding, it will have a great impact on its ornamental value, so how can we restore it at this time? Below, the pro-agricultural network will introduce to you what to do about the drooping leaves of white palm.

Of course, the white palm will not inexplicably appear leaf sagging situation, the emergence of this phenomenon must be for a reason, pro-agricultural network here summed up four reasons, and according to these four reasons have introduced the corresponding treatment methods, let's take a specific look.

I. improper watering

Watering too wet caused by the phenomenon of soft and sagging leaves, usually watering should not be too wet, too wet soil is easy to cause root rot and leaf sagging.


Mastering the correct watering method is the most direct way to deal with improper watering. I believe friends who have had planting experience for a period of time all know the meaning of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly." watering white palm should also implement this principle and water the soil after it dries. Make sure the water temperature is not too low when watering.

2. Soil

The white palm has not changed the basin to loosen the soil for a long time, the soil plate is hard and impervious, and the irrigated water can not penetrate into the soil layer, resulting in most of the roots unable to absorb water and nutrients, and the symptoms of sagging and softening of yellow leaves occur when they lose water and lose nutrients.


Family breeding white palm should timely loosen the soil to change the basin, every early spring to change the basin, check the soil condition, if more caking, it is recommended to break up in the sun after replanting. When planting, half of the old soil is dumped and replaced with loose soil, which is beneficial to the growth of the root system. During normal maintenance, loosen the soil every half a year to increase the oxygen content in the soil.

Third, the slow seedling is not sufficient

Many people may not know what a slow seedling means. Due to the change of plant growth environment, there are some unadaptive conditions, seedling retardation is a process of giving plants full adaptation. Usually, most of the flowers in the flower market grow in the greenhouse. After we buy them home, we rashly put them in the sun for normal maintenance, and it is easy to wilt.


The newly bought white palm should first put the plant in a ventilated and cool place with scattered light and water it properly. It will be transferred to normal maintenance after a week.

Fourth, the growth environment is uncomfortable.

The growth temperature of white palm is between 5-30 ℃, but if the temperature is too low, it still has a certain effect on its growth, and humidity is also an important factor. Leaf sagging can easily occur in dry and cold winter conditions. Winter indoor dry, poor ventilation, leaf loss of water will appear leaf sagging. In addition, if the potted plant is placed in a place with low temperature and small space, the leaves are also easy to turn yellow.


When the temperature decreases after autumn, move the plant indoors for maintenance, pay attention to increase air humidity, spray around the plant every day, and wipe the leaves with cotton cloth for 2-3 days. Properly control the water and keep the basin soil moist.

The above is the treatment of wilting and sagging of white palm leaves introduced by the pro-agricultural network. I hope you can get a full harvest after reading it. The pro-agriculture network would also like to add that although white palm has the ability to purify the air, it is obviously impossible to purify the whole room through a small plant, and we also need to strengthen ventilation.