
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Magnolia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pearl orchid, an ornamental flower, is distributed in the mountain forests of Fujian, Guangdong and other places. Belongs to the family Chrysopodiaceae, the orchid is also called Caviar orchid, the leaves are green and elegant, it can be said that it is more eye-catching among the ornamental plants, and most flower friends want to be in their own home.

Pearl orchid, an ornamental flower, distributed in Fujian, Guangdong and other places in the mountains and forests. Belonging to the family Chloranthaceae, pearl orchid is also called caviar orchid, leaf color green elegant appearance, can be said to be ornamental plants in the more eye-catching, most flower friends want to raise a pot of pearl orchid in their own home, but always raise not good, want to raise pearl orchid or need to know its breeding method and some precautions, the next small series will tell you about how to raise pearl orchid and pearl orchid breeding methods and precautions, let's have a look!

1. The cultivation method of pearl orchid

1. preparation of nutrient soil

If you want to raise a pot of pearl orchid at home, first we have to understand its growth environment, what kind of soil vegetables are suitable for its growth, pearl orchid this plant likes loose slightly acidic soil, soil can be made of rotten leaf soil, coarse sand and pastoral soil according to the ratio of 2:2:5, and then add appropriate amount of bone powder as base fertilizer.

2. Light and Temperature

In addition to the requirements of the soil, light and temperature are also very important to the pearl orchid. The pearl orchid is naturally shady and cannot be exposed to strong light. It should be placed in a warm and ventilated place. If the temperature is lower than ten degrees, the pearl orchid will stop growing. Therefore, heat preservation measures should be taken. Corresponding measures should be taken according to the weather temperature. In hot summer, the temperature will be very high and the moisture will evaporate quickly. Therefore, we should take shading measures and supplement moisture to the pearl orchid. Spray a little water around the pot to lower the temperature and keep the air moist, and remember to ventilate the environment.

3. watering

Orchids like to be moist, so we try to keep the humidity of the pot soil as much as possible, but also not too wet, watering can not be too much, there can be no accumulated water, when the Spring Festival every 1-2 days to irrigate water, with the temperature rise, need to irrigate 1 water a day. Especially in summer, we should irrigate once in the morning and evening, spray water on the leaves at noon to maintain humidity, and it is not advisable to use turbid water, which is not conducive to the growth of roots.

4. The florescence of pearl orchid

The flowering period of pearl orchid is relatively long, and the consumption of nutrients is also relatively large. It needs to supplement nutrients in time. We can apply light fertilizer in spring, apply fertilizer once every 15 days, and gradually reduce the amount. After bud growth, the number of fertilizers can be relatively reduced, and the number of fertilizers can be restored to the original number in autumn.

5. Topping and pruning

Because of the top advantage, I believe everyone understands it. We have to remove the top so as to promote the growth of lateral buds, control the height of plants, stop picking when the lateral buds grow to about 20, and at the same time, we have to remove the yellow leaves and old branches in time.

Second, the precautions for pearl orchid cultivation

1. pest

Pearl orchid is also a kind of plant with pests. In summer, we should prevent aphids, red spiders, scale insects and other pests. When pests occur, we can spray pesticides to kill insects.

2. sunshade

Pearl orchid is a kind of shade-loving plant, which has been mentioned in the previous small series, but here again, we need to take shading measures during the summer growth period, otherwise the leaves will easily turn yellow, thus affecting the ornamental value.

3. cold-proof

In October, the temperature in the northern region will drop sharply, so we should put the pearl orchid into a well-lit environment in time, keep the basin soil moist, and pay attention to humidity in the air. It is best to keep the room temperature above 15 degrees. If the temperature is lower than 5 degrees, it is easy to be frostbitten.

The above is all about how to raise orchids and breeding methods and precautions for orchids. The ornamental value of orchids is very high. It only blooms once. When we conserve them, we should conform to nature and take corresponding protective measures according to its growth habits. The flowers bloomed by orchids are very fragrant. Unlike other flowers, there are no petals such as silk, nor are there very glamorous flowers. Its most attractive place is its fragrance. Interested flower friends hurry up! Hope this article can help you raise orchids, want to know more related knowledge please pay more attention to this site oh!