
What if the leaves of the latest begonia are dry?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Begonia flowers have a long history of cultivation in China. As early as the Han Dynasty, begonia flowers can also be eaten. Begonia flowers are very adaptable to the climate, but we often find begonia leaves when we breed them.

Begonia flowers have a very long history of cultivation in China, as early as the Han Dynasty, there is a history of planting begonia flowers, in addition to ornamental, begonia flowers can also be eaten, begonia flowers have a strong adaptability to the climate, but we still often find that the leaves of begonia are dry when we breed them. What is the reason for this? Below, the pro-agricultural network will introduce to you how to do the dried leaves of begonia.

Begonia leaves dry phenomenon is caused by many reasons, according to different reasons to choose different treatment methods, the following pro-agricultural network to introduce you one by one.

1. The dry soil causes the leaves to dry up.

If the leaves are found to be dry and the soil is also very dry, it is almost certain that the dried leaves are caused by the soil being too dry. Usually many people will choose to immediately water a lot of begonia, but in fact, flowers that have been dry for a long time can not immediately pour a lot of water, which will not only damage the plant, but also cause plant death. it is best to simply replenish the plant with a spray can, and then gradually increase the amount of water. Crabapple flowers usually do not need a lot of watering, just keep the soil slightly wet.

Second, the light is not enough

Begonia is a kind of plant that likes the sun, and if it is not exposed to light for enough time, the plant will become wilted and withered. At this time, we should move the plant to a better light position in time. Usually after a period of time, the phenomenon of plant drying up will be improved.

There is not enough fertilizer.

Fertilizer is the source of nutrition for plants. If the nutrition is not enough, plants will naturally become dry yellow. Begonia can add some potassium and phosphate fertilizer in the process of breeding, which is conducive to the green leaves of plants, but we must pay attention to the use of metrology. Prevent excessive damage to the root system.

Fourth, the impact of diseases and insect pests

The influence of diseases and insect pests can also lead to leaf problems, which is mostly due to the fact that they do not pay attention to the hygiene of the basin soil and poor ventilation, so we should take corresponding drug treatment to treat the diseases and insect pests, and we should also pay attention to the hygiene of the basin soil. plant maintenance in a well-ventilated environment is good for plant health.

These are the reasons for the drying up of the leaves of Haitong and the corresponding solutions, which have been sorted out by the pro-agricultural network for you. Has it helped you? Begonia breeding is not very difficult, if you like begonia, you might as well try it yourself!