
How to raise the latest succulent white peony

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, White peony is a succulent variety from the cross between obscure moon and quiet night, and it is also a succulent variety with more breeding people. it is native to France, with a touch of white powder on the leaves, and the tip of the leaves will turn pink in the sun, which is very lovely. Next, the pro-agricultural network will give it to you.

White peony is a succulent variety from the cross between obscure moon and quiet night, and it is also a succulent variety with more breeding people. it is native to France, with a touch of white powder on the leaves, and the tip of the leaves will turn pink in the sun, which is very lovely. Below, the pro-agricultural network will introduce to you the breeding methods of white peony.

I. temperature

White tree peony is a winter type succulent plant, the most suitable growth temperature is 15-25 ℃, and the lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise it is easy to cause frostbite. It needs to be kept in a warm, dry and ventilated environment during daily maintenance and has strong adaptability.

Second, watering

White peony is more resistant to drought and adheres to the principle of "dry and thoroughly irrigated". It is usually watered once a month, while the summer temperature is high and the soil dries quickly, watering 4-5 times a month, but it can not be watered through, as long as it can maintain its normal growth. the water will be cut off gradually when the temperature is less than 5 degrees in winter, keep the basin soil dry below 3 degrees, and try to keep it no less than 3 degrees below zero. The roots will rot if the moisture is large in cold winter.

Third, lighting

The main growth period of white peony is spring and autumn, which grows slowly in summer and is in a semi-dormant period. it is necessary to ensure full sunshine in the growing season, the light is not strong in winter, and more sun exposure can prevent overgrowth, while the hot summer does not need to receive light. just put it in a ventilated position.

IV. Methods of reproduction

The propagation of white peony mainly depends on the lateral buds, leaf insertion and beheading, and the new buds growing from the residual stem roots after beheading to continue the offspring, and it is very easy to grow lateral buds, the survival rate is relatively high, leaf insertion can obtain a large number of seedlings. Spring is the season for the outbreak of lateral buds, when reproduction and growth is the fastest. White peony can reproduce all the year round, and independent plants can grow when the leaflets are thrown into the soil or planted in the soil.

The above is the breeding method of succulent white peony introduced to you by pro-agricultural network. Is it very simple? White peony is very suitable for people in cities who want to raise succulent plants but are worried about not having time to take care of them. It is not difficult to maintain, and does not need to be taken care of often. As long as regular watering and pruning are guaranteed, they can be maintained well.