
Work together to promote the six "greening"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The "opinions" put forward that "we will jointly promote new industrialization, urbanization, informationization, agricultural modernization and greening." Following the report of the 18th CPC National Congress and the "decision" of the third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the central government has made another important effort to promote the construction of ecological civilization.

The "opinions" put forward that "we will jointly promote new industrialization, urbanization, informationization, agricultural modernization and greening." Following the report of the 18th CPC National Congress and the "decision" of the third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the central authorities made another major plan to promote the building of ecological civilization. "Greening" is the latest summary of the omni-directional green transformation of China's economic and social development. it applies not only to the construction of ecological civilization, but also to all aspects of economic, political, cultural and social construction. it covers the whole process of new industrialization, urbanization, informatization and agricultural modernization. To promote greening, efforts can be made from the following aspects.

The greening of national ideas. In the whole society, get rid of the anthropocentric concept that "man is the master of nature, conquer and conquer nature", and firmly establish the concept of ecological civilization of respecting, conforming to and protecting nature; get rid of the idea that protecting the ecological environment is opposed to economic development, and firmly establish the idea that protecting the ecological environment is to protect the productive forces, and improving the ecological environment is to develop the productive forces. Get rid of the concept that nature has no value and natural capital is not wealth, firmly establish the concept that nature also has value, and that "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains"; get rid of the values of opposition between man and nature, firmly establish the ecological values of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and form a new social fashion of everyone, everything, and advocating ecological civilization all the time.

The greening of land and space. Through voluntary tree planting by the whole people, planting trees in places where conditions permit, accelerating land greening, strengthening the vitality of forestry development, protecting forest resources and improving forest quality through the reform of state-owned forest farms and state-owned forest areas and deepening the reform of collective forest right system. Through the implementation of major ecological restoration projects such as the protection of natural forests and the conversion of farmland to forests, we will enhance the production capacity of ecological products, promote the comprehensive control of desertification, rocky desertification and soil erosion, expand the area of forests, lakes and wetlands, and protect biodiversity; through the implementation of the strategy of main functional areas, we will build an ecological security strategic pattern with major forest ecological barriers such as northeast forest barriers and northern wind and sand barriers as the main body.

The greening of the mode of production. Fundamentally change the traditional development model characterized by high consumption, high emission, high pollution and low output, at the cost of environmental pollution, resource waste and ecological degradation, we will vigorously develop green economy, circular economy and low-carbon economy based on the principle of the unity of ecological, economic and social benefits. Speed up the adjustment of the economic and industrial structure, promote the transformation of economic growth from relying mainly on the secondary industrial belt to relying on the coordination of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and accelerate the structural adjustment of economic factors. promoting economic growth from mainly relying on increasing the consumption of material resources to relying mainly on scientific and technological progress, the improvement of the quality of workers and management innovation We will accelerate the development of resource-saving, environment-friendly and eco-safe green industries, greatly improve the degree of greening of the economy, and speed up the construction of industrial structures and modes of production with high scientific and technological content, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution and little ecological impact, so as to form new growth points for economic and social development.

The greening of the lifestyle. Change the unhealthy way of life that aims at satisfying people's endless material desires, centered on personal enjoyment and characterized by high consumption, vigorously promote ecological consumption with equal emphasis on material consumption and spiritual and cultural consumption, with meeting people's basic needs as the goal, improving the quality of life as the center, and reasonable consumption as the main characteristics. Oppose uncontrolled consumption of natural resources, uncontrolled discharge of wastes and pollutants, and unsustainable lifestyles that destroy the ecological balance. Vigorously promote a lifestyle based on the principles of saving resources, reducing pollution and protecting the ecology, greatly reduce the use of natural resources and toxic materials, minimize wastes and pollutants generated in the life cycle of services or products, and effectively curb illegal hunting, trading and use of wild animals and their products.

The greening of science and technology. We should see not only the great contribution of science and technology to promoting the development of productive forces and the improvement of people's living standards, but also the negative effects of science and technology on human beings, such as resource depletion, environmental pollution, ecological degradation, etc. strive to overcome the profitability and arbitrariness of the development and application of science and technology, correctly grasp the target direction of the development and application of science and technology, and make it give better play to positive energy. Great efforts should be made to develop green biotechnology and new green energy technologies, technologies for pollutant removal and non-production of pollutants, as well as waste reuse technology and waste-free production technology, to achieve effective protection of biological species, rational development and utilization of new energy, purification and treatment of harmful and toxic substances, and promote clean production and resource utilization of wastes.

The greening of system construction. Take the system construction as the top priority to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and turn green into the essential attribute of the construction of ecological civilization system. In accordance with the requirements of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, efforts should be made to break down the institutional obstacles restricting the construction of ecological civilization, with major systems such as resources and environment ecological red line control, property rights and use control of natural resources assets, balance sheet of natural resources, departure audit of natural resources assets, compensation and accountability for eco-environmental damage, and ecological compensation as breakthroughs to deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system. We will introduce relevant reform plans, establish a systematic and complete institutional system, and bring the construction of ecological civilization into the track of the rule of law and institutionalization. At the same time, we should promote the integration of ecological civilization construction into all aspects of economic, political, cultural and social construction and the greening of the relevant system construction in the whole process, so as to provide a reliable institutional guarantee for the omni-directional green transformation of China's economic and social development in the new era.