
The latest methods and matters needing attention in the cultivation of Golden Tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Artemisia angustifolia is a perennial herbaceous ornamental plant. Unlike most ornamental plants, it has underground tubers and basically has no main stem on the ground. In addition to its high ornamental value, the tree can also purify the air and absorb carbon dioxide.

Artemisia angustifolia is a perennial herbaceous ornamental plant. Unlike most ornamental plants, it has underground tubers and basically has no main stem on the ground. In addition to its high ornamental value, the tree can also purify the air and absorb carbon dioxide, increasing the concentration of negative ions in the air. It is one of the main breeding objects for many flower farmers, so how to raise money trees? What are the points for attention? Let's take a look at it.

1. Select soil

The soil for planting money tree needs to choose a highly permeable, fertile and loose place, and vegetable soil can be used to mix with a small amount of sediment. The pH value of the soil should be controlled at about 6.2, which can be sour but not too alkaline, so we should pay attention to the culture density before breeding. Because the tuber of the tree is larger and the plant is fat. Therefore, in order to avoid the later growth too dense, mutual influence growth, for the money tree to create a good growth environment, improve the ornamental value.

2. Fertilization method

The golden tree is very fond of fertilization. in the process of cultivating it, it is necessary not only to apply sufficient base fertilizer before breeding, but also not to top fertilizer less than twice a month during its growth. Stop the application of nitrogen fertilizer after the Mid-Autumn Festival to prevent excessive nitrogen fertilizer from leading to the growth of money trees. Then properly add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote the tenderization and hypertrophy of the leaves, and the application of fertilizer should be controlled according to the change of temperature. When the temperature is below 16 degrees, it is necessary to stop fertilizing.

3. Watering in time

The tree likes a dry and wet environment. In the process of culture, it should be properly watered according to the growth progress of the tree and the water content of the soil. When the ambient temperature is higher than 30 degrees, the lack of water can easily lead to the drying up of the money tree, so it must be watered once a day. However, because the tree has a strong ability to resist drought, drip irrigation with small water should be maintained when watering. When the temperature is suitable, you can keep it once a week, and when entering high temperature weather such as summer, it is necessary to appropriately increase the humidity content around you.

4. Light temperature

The tree is relatively warm, not suitable for growing in a low temperature environment, so try to control the growth temperature of the tree at about 25 degrees. If the temperature is higher than 33 degrees, it will affect the growth of the money tree, so we should cool down in time and do a good job of shading. Although the winter temperature is low, it is also necessary to ensure that the temperature will not be lower than 10 degrees. Too low temperature can easily lead to frost damage and reduce the survival rate. The money tree requires a lot of light, but it should also prevent the bright light from shining directly, otherwise it is easy to burn the new leaves.

5. Points for attention

The shading work of the money tree is very important, in summer, especially when the temperature is the highest at noon, we should pay attention to cooling and shading. And the water content of the soil should not be too much, too much water in the low temperature environment is not conducive to the growth of the tree, easy to make the rhizome rot. And the topdressing work should be stopped in the low temperature environment, otherwise it will also cause harm to the rhizome of the tree. When the temperature is too low, we should also pay attention to the cold prevention work to prevent frost damage.

The above is a brief introduction to the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of the money tree, the growth habits of the money tree are relatively strange, such as like light but not direct light, like water but not too much, and so on. Therefore, in the process of culture, we must pay attention to these aspects and improve the survival rate of the money tree in order to avoid unnecessary loss of culture benefits. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.