
The latest June snow farming methods

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, June snow is a very high ornamental value of plants, its flowering in June or so, pure white color, so the name June snow, its leaves green, giving a refreshing feeling. For this ornamental plant, its economic value is also better than

June snow is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, its flowering period is about June, and its flower color is pure white, so it is named June snow. Its leaves are green on the edge of gold, giving people a feeling of refreshing spirit. For this kind of ornamental excellent plant, its economic value is also relatively high, many people raise it, the economic benefit is obvious, so how to breed snow in June? Let's take a look.

1. Soil selection

June snow for soil requirements are not strict, but it is best to choose humus-rich, well-drained slightly acidic garden soil is appropriate, and if it is to pot culture, it is best to deploy their own nutrient soil. 4 parts of garden soil, 4 parts of rotten leaf soil and 2 parts of sand can be mixed and mixed with appropriate amount of cake fertilizer, which can improve the nutrients needed for plant growth.

2. Lighting

June snow is a highly adaptable plant, it is not strict with the requirements of light, like the environment with plenty of light, but also can withstand shade. In spring and winter, the temperature is lower and the duration of light is shorter, so it is necessary to put it in an environment with sufficient light to make it fully photosynthetic. In summer, when the temperature is high and the sun is strong, it is not suitable to be exposed to the sun, but to be placed in a semi-shaded place. And in winter, in addition to strengthening the light, but also pay attention to keep warm, so as to avoid low temperature freezing damage to plants.

3. Watering

June snow is adaptable, like humid environment, resistant to drought, but afraid of waterlogging, so watering is different in different seasons. It is best to water every day in spring, not too much water each time, so as not to cause rotting roots due to stagnant water in the soil; high temperature and large evaporation in summer, so water once in the morning and evening to maintain the water demand of the plant. In autumn and winter, the temperature begins to drop, and plant growth begins to slow or stagnate, so it is necessary to reduce the number of watering, watering according to the dry and wet soil, watering when you see the soil is drier, and do not let the soil accumulate water.

4. Fertilization

June snow is a barren plant, the demand for fertility is not high, but in order to make its growth strong, more flowering, so we should also apply some fertilizer properly, but fertilization should not be too thick or too often, otherwise it is very easy to cause the plant to grow and deform. Generally speaking, cake fertilizer should be applied once in spring and summer, while for potted plants, thin fertilizer should be applied once in winter.

The above is the introduction of June snow culture methods, hope to help you, want to know more flower culture methods, please pay attention to us.