
The latest course of cultivation techniques and methods of Bauhinia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bauhinia is a deciduous tree of Leguminosae and a native plant in China. Its wood texture is clear and its distribution is reasonable. It is not only one of the raw materials of many furniture factories, but also an ornamental plant in many places. Bark also has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, activating blood circulation and promoting qi.

Bauhinia is a kind of deciduous tree of Leguminosae. It is a native plant in China. The wood texture of Bauhinia is clear and reasonably distributed. It is one of the raw materials of many furniture factories, and it is also an ornamental plant in many places. Bark also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, activating blood circulation and qi, and flowers and fruits also have certain medicinal value. So how does redbud grow? The following small series brings you the cultivation techniques of Bauhinia. Let's take a look together!

1. Land selection and preparation

Bauhinia needs plenty of light to grow, and the environment with sufficient light is very beneficial to the growth of Bauhinia, and Bauhinia likes to grow in fertile areas. Therefore, when selecting planting plots, we should ensure that the planting land has sufficient light, sufficient fertility, normal irrigation and deep soft soil. Do not choose sticky soil, sticky soil will lead to poor growth of Bauhinia, soil PH value to maintain a slight alkali. After selecting the land, we should do a good job in soil preparation, carry out deep ploughing and fine harrowing, apply sufficient base fertilizer, improve soil fertility, strengthen Bauhinia nutrition absorption, and promote the growth of Bauhinia.

2. Seedling transplanting

Before sowing, we should first do a good job of germination, put the seeds into warm water of about 50 degrees for about two days, then remove and clean them and put them into potassium permanganate solution for a quarter of an hour to eliminate the germs in the seeds. Then control the sowing density and sow it into the seedbed at the right time. After sowing, cover it with fine soil to improve the heat preservation ability of the soil and promote seed germination. When the seedlings grow to about 5 cm, they can be transplanted. When transplanting, attention should be paid to transplanting with soil to prevent root injury, improve the survival rate of seedlings, irrigate enough water after planting, and do a good job in seedling management.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Bauhinia growth like water, after planting to irrigate enough water, and then in a week to irrigate about three times. After a week, according to the soil moisture and weather control good watering amount, but pay attention to the dosage, although Bauhinia likes water, but not waterlogging, long time in the water can easily lead to Bauhinia root rot and death. In summer, water should be sprayed appropriately to ensure that moisture is met, and to avoid the growth of Bauhinia in a high temperature and high humidity environment. Bauhinia is also more fertile, fertilizer sufficient to make bauhinia luxuriant branches and leaves, improve the brightness of flowers, enhance ornamental value. Therefore, we should fertilize in time when planting to meet the fertilizer needs of Bauhinia growth.

4. Pest control

The pest control of Bauhinia is very important because there are various pests and diseases that can damage different parts of Bauhinia plants and seriously affect the economic benefits of planting Bauhinia. Common diseases and insect pests of Bauhinia are blight, aphids, etc. We should do a good job in field management during planting, disinfect regularly, and reduce the pathogen base in the garden. Then we should observe the growth of Bauhinia often to ensure that the disease is found as soon as possible. After the disease occurs, we should deal with the disease site in time, and then check the specific disease, and then make corresponding measures.

The above is a brief introduction to Bauhinia cultivation techniques, Bauhinia cultivation is relatively simple, but we must focus on field management and pest control work in planting, in order to ensure the healthy growth of Bauhinia, expand planting benefits. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, thank you for reading and support!