
Enlivening Collective Forestry Management Right and Consolidating the Foundation of Right Confirmation and Certification

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The reform of collective forest right system is an important part of rural reform and an important measure to promote ecological civilization construction, promote resource growth, good ecology, increase farmers 'income and harmonious forest areas. Practice has proved that the release of collective forest management rights as a breakthrough, conducive to push

The reform of collective forest right system is an important part of rural reform and an important measure to promote the construction of ecological civilization, promote the growth of resources, good ecology, increase farmers' income and harmony in forest areas. Practice has proved that activating the management right of collective forest land as a breakthrough is conducive to promoting the appropriate scale concentration of forest land, promoting forestry industrialization management, ensuring ecological security and providing rich forest products, promoting the exchange of urban and rural elements, promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and further stimulating the vitality of forestry construction.

Consolidate the foundation of confirming the right to issue certificates.

Forest right certificate is an important property certificate for forestry operators, and an "iron certificate" must be issued to confirm the right of forest land. The main task of deepening the reform of the collective forest right system is to enliven the right of management, implement the right of disposal, guarantee the right of income, and implement the right of contracted management of forest land and the ownership of forest trees to farmers through household contracting in accordance with the law. establish the dominant position of farmers as the right to contracted management of forest land. In combination with the reform of the rural property right system, we should promote "the same accuracy of multiple rights", further improve the certification of collective forest rights, increase the mediation of forest rights disputes, and ensure the accuracy of "real rights" and the issuance of "iron certificates".

To issue "iron certificate" to forestry operators, we should focus on three links. First, adhere to the field survey, clear boundaries, accurate counting, so that the warrants match. The second is to mediate and deal with forest rights disputes in accordance with the law, resolve the problems left over by history in an orderly manner, support the parties to bring law-related disputes into judicial track, and remove the uncertainty of forest rights as soon as possible. The third is to strengthen the management of forest rights archives and properly preserve historical materials to ensure that the sources of forest rights are based on evidence and can stand the historical test. The interim regulations on Real Estate Registration have been implemented, and the convergence of relevant policies should be done to ensure that the interests of collective forest right owners and operators will not be affected.

Adhere to the direction of moderate scale operation

Circulation is an important means of woodland scale management. To promote the circulation of forest rights, we should adhere to the principle of "according to law, voluntary and paid". There are many ways for the transfer of forest rights, such as transfer, leasing, subcontracting, shareholding, exchange and so on. what method and price should be adopted must respect the wishes of farmers and not make administrative orders. Local governments and industry departments should proceed from reality, actively explore the evaluation mechanism of forest land and forest prices and the minimum protective price system for the circulation of forest rights, and guide farmers to the open rural property rights market. It is necessary to adhere to the circulation procedures, conscientiously implement the system of transfer registration, filing, and examination, and actively coordinate and properly handle the problems of the early forest right transfer period being too long, the price too low, and the area too large. We will strengthen supervision over the transfer of forest land under collective unified management, strictly implement the publicity system, the voting system of villagers' meetings, and the examination and approval system of villages and towns, and strictly prevent clandestine operation. It is necessary to adhere to forest-based and moderate scale, and the nature and use of woodland should not be changed at will.

The large-scale operation of woodland should take into account the interests of all parties. No matter which way of circulation is adopted, we should attach importance to safeguarding the interests of farmers and, at the same time, safeguard the interests of other forestland operators, determine the balance of interests between the two sides, and form a stable interest association. It is necessary to support the entry of urban industrial and commercial capital into rural areas to develop modern forestry planting and breeding industry, increase the publicity of Huilin policy and the value of forest rights, guide forest farmers to transfer woodland by means of shareholding, cooperation, and exchange, and establish a close interest connection mechanism.

Strengthen the main body of new forestry management

At present, there are mainly four types of new forestry management subjects explored and developed in various places: professional large households, farmers' cooperatives, family forest farms and forestry enterprises. Major professionals have a lot of room for development and need to continue to support development. Cooperative operation is the most direct and effective in organizing, driving and affluent farmers, and it is necessary to strengthen support, but it is necessary to solve the problems of "shell society", non-standard operation, lack of professional management personnel, and so on. Family forest farm is an effective force to lead moderate scale operation and develop modern forestry. It is necessary to study and introduce certification standards and management methods of family forest farm, which should be brought into the scope of agricultural policy support. The leading enterprises of forestry industrialization not only expand the industry but also drive farmers, guide forestry enterprises to build bases, lead farmers, and extend to the construction of forestry infrastructure.

Innovate the mode of forestry management. Typical business models include: cooperative + base + peasant household, leading enterprise + cooperative + peasant household + base, leading enterprise + United cooperative + peasant household, cooperative + family forest farm + peasant household + base, large park + small owner and farmer industrial park, and so on. In the final analysis, the innovation of various business models is to organize thousands of households and dock the ever-changing large market, so that farmers can benefit more from large-scale operation. The implementation of base price transfer, interests and other practices, so that farmers directly benefit. The implementation of profit return, income sharing and other practices, so that farmers fully benefit. The implementation of shareholding system, joint-stock cooperation + guaranteed bottom dividends and other practices, so that farmers continue to benefit.

Improve the collective forestry support service system

With the increase of new forestry management entities, it is necessary to build a diversified, professional and market-oriented forestry support service system. Forestry support service has both operation and public welfare, which should not only give play to the role of the government, but also mobilize social forces.

Improve the fiscal and tax support system. We will increase public finance to support forestry, improve relevant subsidy policies, encourage county-level forest farmers to discount interest on small forest-related loans, and integrate agriculture-related funds to improve the infrastructure of forestry industrial bases. We will implement policies to support leading forestry enterprises and key specialized cooperatives, reduce or waive taxes and fees for new types of forestry operators, and gradually reduce the proportion of forest cultivation funds.

Improve the production service system. We should build a system of forestry scientific and technological innovation and technology promotion, encourage scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities to buy shares at the price of scientific and technological achievements, and start businesses with part-time and salary, so as to solve the problem of "the last kilometer" of forestry scientific and technological services. We will simplify the cutting examination and approval procedures, implement the logging publicity system, and ensure the equal cutting rights of forest farmers. We will encourage forestry cooperative management organizations or joint-stock forest farms as units to formulate forest management plans, improve logging and transportation management, and give forest farmers full rights of management and disposal.

Improve the financial service system. Carry out the physical quantity evaluation of forest resources assets, realize the separation of evaluation quantity and price, develop forestry credit products, carry out small loans and joint guarantee loans for forest farmers, and enhance forestry financing capacity. We will strengthen policy-oriented forest insurance, improve the links of insurance, determining losses and settling claims, scientifically adjust the insurance period, and fully protect the rights and interests of forest farmers. In order to implement the policy of "preferential treatment without reparations" and the collective insurance method of the special cooperation organization, insurance companies should arrange certain funds to invest in forest disaster prevention.

Improve the market service system. Strengthen the service platform and team construction of collective forest right transfer, and strengthen the service of forest right transfer. The forestry administrative departments at the county level and the township and township people's governments shall, in principle, establish an information database for the transfer of forest rights, and rely on the forest rights management and service center to establish an information release platform to release the circulation information in real time.