
The latest course on Seedling techniques and methods of American Red Acer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, the market of American red maple seedlings is in a relatively chaotic state. The market price of American red maple seedlings varies from region to region, which leads to the bottleneck of American red maple planting. There are many low-cost American red maple seedlings on the market, but the number of pure varieties is rare.

At present, the market of American red maple seedlings is in a relatively chaotic state. The market price of American red maple seedlings varies from region to region, which leads to the bottleneck of American red maple planting. There are many low-cost American red maple seedlings on the market, but the number of pure varieties is rare, so we need to increase the production of pure American red maple seedlings. So how to raise seedlings of American red maple? How to cultivate seedlings of good quality? Today, let's learn the breeding techniques of American red maple.

1. Selection and arrangement of seedling land

American red maple has strong adaptability to the environment, with the characteristics of moisture, drought and cold resistance. In general, the seedlings of American red maple are planted in sunny areas with strong soil water and fertilizer conservation, good permeability, convenient irrigation conditions and sunny areas. Secondly, the soil pH of the planting site had better be slightly acidic, and the PH value of sandy soil is about 6 to 7. Dig the soil at least 30 centimeters deep before sowing, clean up the debris in the field and disinfect it, so as to reduce the harm of some diseases and insect pests to the American red maple. Then add 5,000 kilograms of organic fertilizer to the soil, and then turn it again with 100 jin of ternary compound fertilizer. Finally, the soil will be leveled and ditched to make beds, waiting to be planted.

2. Seed treatment and germination.

The seeds of American red maple generally need to be treated before sowing, which can improve its budding rate. First of all, prepare the right amount of river sand and wet it with water, then put the seeds of the American red maple into the wet sand and mix them well, and then store them in an environment with a temperature of three or four degrees for low temperature sand storage. During the period of sand storage, we have to check regularly. We don't have to wait for it to sprout before it can be planted. Once a sprouted seed is found, it can be taken out and sown.

3. Sowing time and method

American red maple can be sown in spring and autumn, but we most often sow seeds between March and April each year, when the emergence rate and survival rate are higher. Autumn is usually between August and October every year. Wet the seedling field before sowing, then spread the seeds evenly on the seedbed and cover with a thin layer of soil to cover the seeds. If we want to improve its emergence speed, we can also build plastic sheds, or cover film, straw, etc., but we should pay attention to ventilation. Under normal management, red maple seedlings can come out more than half a month after sowing.

4. Seedling stage management

After the American red maple seedling is unearthed, its growth rate is very slow, and the resistance is also very poor, so it needs to be taken care of carefully. We should often spray water to the red maple seedlings, so that the soil has a certain degree of moisture, at the same time, in time to clean up the weeds growing in the field. Of course, it is also possible to loosen and cultivate the soil properly, which can avoid lodging, improve the permeability of the soil and promote the absorption and utilization of nutrients. When the red maple seedling grows to about 15 centimeters, it is necessary to carry out inter-seedling, pull out some diseases and insect pests, thin and small seedlings, and replenish the seedlings appropriately at the same time. Finally, according to the growth of red maple seedlings, topdressing was carried out to promote the growth of seedlings and improve the resistance of seedlings. In the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, it is necessary to timely spray control.

This is the end of the seedling raising technology of American red maple that the editor wants to introduce to you today. I hope you can cultivate more high-quality American red maple seedlings in the process of planting.