
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of calla lilies

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Calla is a sturdy perennial herb belonging to Araceae. The ornamental value of calla is very high. Like the name, the flowers of calla lilies are white and elegant, shaped like horseshoes. Used to make bouquets and baskets, they are very popular in the market.

Calla is a sturdy perennial herb belonging to Araceae. The ornamental value of calla is very high. Like the name, the flowers of calla lilies are white and elegant, shaped like horseshoes. Used to make bouquets and baskets, they are very popular in the market and have great market demand. So how to raise calla lilies? The following editor will bring you the culture methods of calla lilies, let's have a look!

1. Soil selection

In fact, calla lily's growth ability is relatively strong, and it also has a strong adaptability to the soil. It can grow normally in most of the soil, but the soil has a great effect on the growth of calla lilies. If the soil quality is poor, calla lilies can grow normally, but it will also affect its ornamental value. Therefore, in artificial planting, we should give priority to slightly acidic soil with sufficient fertility, soft and strong permeability. If you make it yourself, you can use rotten leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and fine sand. After it has been prepared, it is sterilized and then it can be planted.

2. Methods of reproduction

There are many methods of propagation of calla lilies, such as bulbs, ramets, sowing and so on. In bulblet reproduction, wait until calla lilies enter the dormant period. Peel off the balls around the calla lily tuber directly, and then plant them separately. Can also carry out ramet propagation, the time of plant reproduction is generally around May every year, after the horseshoe lotus flower, the old leaves withered. Then the tuber of the mother plant is stripped off and graded into the pot, which can blossom in about 3 months. Finally, sowing can be used to propagate. The optimum temperature for calla lily seed germination is about 20 degrees, and it can germinate 2-3 weeks after sowing.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Calla lilies like to grow in a moist, fertile environment. So when we plant calla lilies, we must pay attention to watering them. Then we should often apply rotten liquid fertilizer, chemical fertilizer and so on. Chemical fertilizer is rotated with compound fertilizer and diammonium phosphate and applied once in about half a month. When watering, it is still necessary to control the amount of water, do not water too much, otherwise calla lilies are prone to root rot. It should be adjusted reasonably according to seasonal changes, for example, in spring and autumn, it is generally watered twice a week, and in summer, it is watered about once every two days.

4. Points for attention

Calla lilies like a warm environment and should not be exposed to direct sunlight for too long. However, in the horseshoe lotus flower stage, it is still necessary to provide sufficient light, otherwise the bud development is poor, which will have a great impact on ornamental and quality. It is necessary to ensure about 4 hours of light every day. Then we should pay attention to control the temperature, especially in winter, because the cold resistance of calla lilies is relatively poor. Therefore, the winter temperature should be kept above 10 degrees, otherwise the flowering rate will be reduced.

The above is a brief introduction of calla lily culture methods and matters needing attention. The culture method of calla lily is actually very simple, but we should also pay attention to some matters needing attention to ensure the normal growth of calla lilies. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.