
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of aloe vera

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Aloe is not only a monocotyledon of Aloe, but also a rare edible plant in the genus Aloe. The economic value of aloe is very high, and it is used in food, beauty, medicine and other industries, and now it also has a very wide range of planting areas in our country.

Aloe is not only a monocotyledon of Aloe, but also a rare edible plant in the genus Aloe. The economic value of aloe is very high, and it is used in food, beauty, medicine and other industries, and now it also has a very wide planting area in our country. So how to breed aloe? What are the points for attention? The following editor has brought you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of aloe vera. Let's take a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

Although aloe does not have much to do with the soil, the choice of soil is still very important if you want to increase the yield and ensure the quality. Aloe planting soil should be fertile, soft and normal drainage and irrigation soil. After selecting the soil, do a good job of land preparation, land expropriation should be collected and fertilized once, and the mature farm manure should be applied mainly, about 1800 kg per mu. Ploughing fine rake flat, and then make the border, according to the terrain to control the length, width can be maintained at about 90 cm. Do not use sticky soil for planting.

2. Raising seedlings in separate plants

The propagation method of aloe is generally based on ramet propagation. Aloe vera is divided in spring, autumn and winter every year, that is, from March to April or from September to November. Before dividing the plant, first dig out the tillers around the aloe, but be careful not to hurt the roots and keep the roots intact, then cut off the underground stem connecting the tillers and the mother plant, and then plant them without any treatment. Or you can also use the method of bud propagation, select the leaf axils on the mother plant, then cut off about 8 cm of new buds, put them in a cool place and wait for air-drying, and then cut directly to the shady seedbed.

3. Timely planting

The planting time of aloe is also fastidious, and the planting time can be determined according to the ramet time. Therefore, it is planted in the spring and autumn every year, whether it is ramet seedlings or budding seedlings, it will not be good until it grows to about 15 centimeters. When planting, the planting density should be controlled, and the row spacing should be kept at about 0.5-0.5 m, or 0.4-0.5 m. Each border is planted in about two rows, and each plant is planted with one plant. when planting, you should pay attention to stretch the roots of the seedlings, and then press them in the cover soil. If the water content of the soil is insufficient, then pay attention to proper watering.

4. Points for attention

In the hot summer environment, we must pay attention to timely watering, keep the soil moist, but the moisture should not be too much, but also do a good job of drainage to avoid rotting roots. During the growth of aloe, it is necessary to do a good job of loosening the soil and weeding. If you encounter the rainy season, the weeds removed should be cleared out of the garden in time and can be accumulated for retting. Then we should pay attention to the fertilization work, in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer before planting, topdressing about 3 times a year to provide adequate nutrition for the growth of aloe.

The above is a brief introduction of aloe culture methods and matters needing attention. Attention is that we should do a good job in the management of planting, this is the end of today's introduction, this article is only for reference, I hope it can be helpful to everyone!