
The price differentiation of maize seeds is serious and the dominant varieties have increased significantly.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At present, the planting of spring corn in Northeast China is coming to an end, and the summer sowing corn in Huang-Huai-Hai region has also begun. The steady increase in corn planting area this year has led to a sharp increase in the use of corn seeds. Data show that corn seed prices have risen significantly this year.

At present, the planting of spring corn in Northeast China is coming to an end, and the summer sowing corn in Huang-Huai-Hai region has also begun. The steady increase in corn planting area this year has led to a sharp increase in the use of corn seeds. Data show that corn seed prices have risen significantly this year, with an increase of 20% per cent and 30 per cent, and the price differentiation of different varieties is more serious.

According to information from the Shanghai Stock Exchange News, due to the impact of imports on varieties such as soybeans and sorghum, the income from planting corn has an overwhelming advantage, and the trend of replanting corn in the traditional northeast soybean producing areas continues. In Huaihai region of North China, almost all farmers choose to plant corn after wheat harvest because of the basic mechanical operation of corn sowing and harvesting in recent years. At the same time, under the support of the temporary storage policy, corn prices have maintained a stable operation situation this year, and farmers' planting income is considerable.

Therefore, in the absence of extreme weather, the increase in corn planting area this year has led to a substantial increase in the use of corn seeds. At the same time, some seed production enterprises were forced to resell a batch of seeds and digest part of the inventory. After three years of high inventory pressure, the situation of inventory increase in two years will be curbed, and the corn seed industry is expected to enter the rising channel.

As can be seen from the investigation reports of spring sowing on China Corn Network in 2015, the situation reflected from each research site all pointed to the increase in planting area, and the price of corn seeds increased obviously, and the price differentiation of different varieties was more serious, and the market situation was still "high quality and high price". The prices of excellent varieties last year were strong this year, with a large increase in a few exclusive varieties. For example, the price of Demeya series produced by Kinfeng seed industry has increased significantly, with a price of 1500 yuan for 30 jin per bag and 50, 000 Demeia series seeds. Xianyu 335, which is exclusively marketed by the brand variety, the price determined every year is basically stable, although the seed market has been affected by inventory pressure for three consecutive years, Xianyu 335 still maintains high seed prices.

On the contrary, for varieties that have entered a period of recession, acreage and prices have declined year after year. The most typical examples are Zhengdan 958 and Jundan 20. Zhengdan 958 is the best variety in China's corn seed market in the first decade. But at present, its national promotion area and price continue to decline, last year each bag of seeds from the original price of 40-50 yuan per bag to 25 yuan or even 20 yuan.

Therefore, the high inventory is mainly a high degree of homogenization of seeds, for non-exclusive varieties such as Zhengdan 958, the market price generally fell, entering the inventory digestion period. On the other hand, for the enterprises with exclusive R & D and exclusive variety rights, the impact of inventory is relatively limited. In the 2014 / 2015 sales season, the industry will be further divided. As leading enterprises with superior varieties and perfect channels, Denghai seed industry and Longping Hi-Tech are not only limited by the inventory pressure of the industry, but also will become the biggest beneficiaries of this round of industry reshuffle.

Under the promotion of the new seed law, variety approval green channel and other policies, the dominant varieties of seed industry leaders are expected to rise in both quantity and price.