
How to raise the exploding pot in the hydroponic culture of Tongqian grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Codonopsis lanceolata is a perennial paving herb, alias Artemisia angustifolia, which has very good ornamental value, can be cultivated in soil or water, and can burst into the basin quickly if it is properly maintained. So how can the hydroponic culture of Tongqian grass burst into the pot? The following will be made up by a minor editor.

Codonopsis lanceolata is a perennial paving herb, alias Artemisia angustifolia, which has very good ornamental value, can be cultivated in soil or water, and can burst into the basin quickly if it is properly maintained. So how can the hydroponic culture of Tongqian grass burst into the pot? The following is by the editor to introduce the method of hydroponic explosion of copper herb.

1. Suitable container

First of all, we should pay attention to the selection of the container. In order to blow it up, we must provide it with sufficient space. There are no specific requirements for the material of the container, either glass or porcelain.

2. Water exchange and water quality

To change the water regularly, it can provide the necessary conditions for the explosion of the basin, but pay attention to the water quality when changing the water, preferably neutral and slightly acidic water, and the pH should be controlled between 6 and 7. In addition, the water temperature should also be more appropriate between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. The specific temperature should be changed according to room temperature. It is recommended to use spring water, well water and so on. If it is tap water, it is best to rest for 24 hours and then use it. This is because a lot of disinfection substances are often left in tap water, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of Rabdosia angustifolia. Sometimes you may yellowed or even withered before you.

3. Temperature and light

The best growth temperature of Rabdosia angustifolia is between 15 and 25 degrees, and its growth will be slow when it is higher than 35 degrees in summer. if it is cultured in the sun, it may dry up because the water temperature is too high, so pay attention to shade or keep it indoors in the high temperature season. In addition, if the winter temperature is too low, it may freeze to death, which is caused by the low water temperature, so it is best to put it in an environment of about 10 degrees in winter. Sufficient scattered light can also help the period of rapid growth explosion, if the culture environment is too dark will lead to the slow growth of copper grass, but also lead to the growth of green algae too fast. On the contrary, excessive light in summer will lead to leaf burns and plant growth will be affected, so the scattered light environment is the most suitable.

4. Adequate nutrients

In order to quickly burst the pot, we need sufficient nutrients. We can use organic fertilizer solution to add 3-5 drops after each change of water. It is best to use cold boiled water when fertilizing, which can reduce the bacterial environment for the growth of green algae and prevent green algae from growing prematurely.

The above is the introduction of Tongqian grass water culture, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.