
The latest cultivation techniques of Michelia insignia tutorial

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mountain Michelia also known as light leaf white orchid, is an arbor flower, evergreen ornamental plants, economic value is very good. Michelia is now mainly distributed in the south and southwest regions. What is the method of cultivation of Michelia, what propagation method is used, and how to manage it

Michelia mandshurica, also known as Guangye Magnolia, is a tree flower, an ornamental plant evergreen all the year round, with good economic value. Michelia is now mainly distributed in the south and southwest. What is the method of cultivating Michelia mollissima, which breeding method is used, and the management method, these are the contents of cultivation. Now let's learn about the contents of cultivation.

1. Land selection and preparation

Choose those with good sunny conditions, complete soil structure, good drainage, convenient irrigation and nearby water sources. The soil has a deep ploughing layer. The soil rich in organic matter and aggregate structure is the most suitable. Deep ploughing, fine ploughing once, rotary ploughing once. Fertilize when turning deeply, one mu is 4,000 jin of barnyard manure. Disinfect the soil and spray with chlorothalonil. Make a seedbed with a height of 20 cm, a width of 1.2 m and a groove of 25 cm.

2. Seed treatment

The seeds can be sowed after harvest, dried in the shade after harvest, and then soaked in 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for 2 hours. Then soak in warm water for a day and a night. Let the seeds absorb enough water, remove and drain, dry in a cool place, and then mix the seeds with calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer.

3. Sowing method

Strip sowing, spacing is 20 cm, sowing under 2 cm soil, covered with peat soil, shallow cover, can not see the seeds. Cover forage to keep moisture and heat preservation, keep the soil unhardened, cover so that you can't see the soil. After that, drugs to prevent animal harm can be put around. Drain water in rainy days and spray water in sunny days.

4. Seedling emergence management

After most of the seedlings were unearthed, the grass was exposed on a cloudy day and sprayed with 0.5% Bordeaux solution, three times at intervals of three days. Avoid disease. The growth of seedlings is relatively slow, as long as you do a good job of topdressing, loosening soil and weeding. Fertilize once every half a month and dissolve with compound fertilizer. After summer, seedlings from overgrown areas begin to be transplanted to other empty places. Pay attention to the prevention and control of root rot, grubs and shell insects. In June, Wangchang resisted drought and cooled down, prepared sunshade nets, irrigated horse racing water, and irrigated roots with 0.2% urea.

The cultivation of Michelia mollissima is the above process, generally speaking, it is relatively easy to operate. But the management work is more important, and it also determines the seedling growth in the later stage.