
What if the latest cyclamen doesn't bloom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cyclamen is a common indoor potted plant, many people often raise a pot in the family to decorate the home, but in the breeding process, cyclamen often does not bloom. So why doesn't cyclamen blossom? How to solve it?

Cyclamen is a common indoor potted plant, many people often raise a pot in the family to decorate the home, but in the breeding process, cyclamen often does not bloom. So why doesn't cyclamen blossom? How to solve it? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Lack of light

The flowering of flowers is inseparable from the light, and cyclamen likes to grow in a better light environment, which is conducive to its flowering. If it grows in the environment of lack of light for a long time, it will affect the flower bud differentiation and lead to its non-flowering.

Solution: if cyclamen does not blossom due to lack of light, it can be moved to a place with sufficient light for maintenance to ensure that it is exposed to no less than 5-6 hours of sunlight every day during flowering, but it should be noted that it should be properly shaded under strong light to facilitate the formation of flower buds. If the light is too strong, it may cause burns to leaves and flower buds, resulting in non-flowering.

2. Temperature discomfort

Cyclamen likes to grow in a warm climate, afraid of heat, has a strong cold tolerance, if the temperature is too high, it will affect the plant metabolism, will also cause cyclamen not to blossom. Although it is cold-resistant, it must have a degree, and if the temperature is below the threshold, it will not blossom.

Solution: in cyclamen flower bud differentiation its best control at 18-22 degrees attention, when it blossoms the most suitable temperature conditions, too high and too low are not suitable for its flowering. In summer high temperature should pay attention to cooling, can be put in a hidden place for maintenance, winter should be placed in indoor maintenance, in order to promote its growth and flowering.

3. Overwatering

Cyclamen likes to grow in a humid environment, but pay attention to control the amount of water during flowering, otherwise too much watering will block the respiration of its roots, cause plants not to blossom, and cause root rot in serious cases, resulting in dead plants.

Solution: if the basin soil is too wet, drainage treatment should be carried out in time, and in serious cases, the soil should be changed, and the water should be controlled properly during the flower bud differentiation period to facilitate flowering.

4. Lack of nutrients

Cyclamen can produce the most beautiful flowers only under the condition of sufficient nutrients. If there is a lack of nutrients in the flowering stage, it will lead to malnutrition in the plant, resulting in cyclamen can not bloom normally.

Solution: when there is a lack of nutrients, apply compound fertilizer once in time, and then fertilize mainly with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or cake fertilizer, following a small amount for many times.

The above is cyclamen not blooming how to introduce, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.