
The latest four Seasons Begonia can blossom continuously

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Begonia is one of the most popular flowers in China, so many people like to grow crabapple flowers at home, of which the four seasons crabapple is the most, as the name suggests, it can blossom all the year round, but many people are not like that in the process of breeding, not only flowering

Crabapple flower is one of the most popular flowers in China, so many people like to raise crabapple flowers at home, of which the four seasons crabapple is the most, its flowering period is as its name, it can blossom all the year round, but many people are not like that in the process of breeding. It not only blossoms less, but also does not blossom often, so how can it blossom continuously? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Suitable soil

Any kind of plant growth is inseparable from the substrate, soil culture of the four seasons crabapple culture is inseparable from the fertile soil, if the four seasons crabapple blossom is to continue to need loose, fertile, permeable soil. In cultivation, garden soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand can be used to configure the growing soil of Begonia according to 2:2:1. After preparation, some bone powder 1 will be added as base fertilizer to promote the growth of Begonia.

2. Watering

Four seasons crabapple likes wet conditions, so during the growth period, it should be watered reasonably according to plant growth and temperature changes, and less watering during the budding period to keep the basin soil slightly dry. If the basin soil is too wet, it will cause rotting roots. During the growing period, it should be watered every two days, and at the same time, it should be often sprayed around the plant to increase air humidity. in addition, it should be noted that watering should not be watered down directly from the top of the stem and leaf, but along the edge of the flowerpot, otherwise, the stem and leaf will easily accumulate water and rot. During the growing period, the four seasons should apply fertilizer according to the leaf color and the growth of the leaves, not too much fertilizer, otherwise it will cause the leaves to stop, otherwise it will affect its flowering. It is necessary to increase the amount of phosphate and potassium fertilizer at flowering stage to improve the flowering quality of plants.

3. Maintenance of the four seasons

① spring farming should be kept in a sunny and well-ventilated environment, and the flowerpot should be rotated every half month to prevent the growth caused by phototaxis from tilting to one side.

② pig breeding in summer should need semi-shade conservation to avoid evaporation of water in the basin soil, resulting in poor plant growth and leaf burns. At the same time, we should pay attention to the watering frequency, the basin soil should be watered in time before drying, there is no need to apply fertilizer in summer, and spray around the plant to cool and moisturize every day.

③ culture in autumn should choose shading treatment in early autumn, let it enjoy the sun in late autumn, and ensure adequate nutrients. Fertilizer can be applied every other week or so, with rotten cake water or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium thin fertilizer solution is the best.

④ winter maintenance to give the four seasons crabapple a warm growth environment, during the day at noon on the windowsill, balcony to bask in the sun, at night to pay attention to cold and warm, can also be put in indoor maintenance, keep it above 15 degrees in order to let it continue to bloom. Watering should be controlled in winter, not too much, just keep the basin soil slightly moist.

The above is how to make the four Seasons Begonia blossom constantly introduced, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.