
The latest causes of yellow leaves of Taxus and its solutions

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Taxus is a unique plant in China, which is suitable for breeding in both the south and north of our country. The high-grade bonsai made with it has high ornamental value, but in the process of culture, not only the leaves are often yellowed because of the operation, so what should we do with the yew leaves? Lower

Taxus is a unique plant in China, which is suitable for breeding in both the south and north of our country. The high-grade bonsai made with it has high ornamental value, but in the process of culture, not only the leaves are often yellowed because of the operation, so what should we do with the yew leaves? Here is the solution.

1. Improper watering

In the process of yew culture, if too much watering will lead to yew leaves dim, long-term stagnant water may also lead to retting roots, resulting in yew death. If the lack of water for a long time will also lead to yew leaves drying, lack of water and yellowing phenomenon.

Solution: when watering, we should grasp the principle of no dry watering and watering thoroughly. When watering too much, we should loosen the soil, let the soil maintain appropriate permeability, or directly change the basin.

2. Unreasonable lighting

Unreasonable light will also lead to yellowing of yew leaves, and long-term exposure to sunlight will lead to yellowing of yew leaves due to lack of water. However, under the condition of lack of water and light, the photosynthesis of leaves weakened, and the roots yellowed and fell off because of the lack of leaves.

Solution: if the yew leaves are caused by excessive light, they need to be shaded in time or put into indoor culture, and then spray water to the leaves and slowly recover during the waiting period. Under normal circumstances morning and evening in the balcony or outdoor, noon should be put indoors, so as to meet its lighting needs.

3. Temperature discomfort

Taxus culture environment is too high and too low will have a certain impact on it, too high will lead to the lack of water in the leaves, the phenomenon of scorched yellow, and too low temperature will also lead to insufficient nutrition and yellowing.

Solution: when the temperature is too high to find a way to cool down, can spray water fog, increase the surrounding air humidity, play the role of cooling, when the low temperature to put the yew into indoor breeding, do a good job of cold protection measures.

4. Improper fertilization

Improper fertilization also has a lot of effects on the growth of yew, too much or too little fertilization will lead to the yellowing of its leaves, especially for the newly bought yew, the impact will be greater.

Solution: pay attention to the method of fertilization, take the reason of frequent application of thin fertilizer, when the plant is short of fertilizer for a long time, it is necessary to apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in time to ensure adequate nutrition.

The above is the introduction of the causes and solutions of yew yellow leaves. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.