
Interpretation of the New Professional Farmers' Establishment of Agricultural socialized Service system

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, With the development of agriculture, the connotation of farmers has changed greatly. It is an irresistible historical trend to change from a hereditary identity to a new career. In 2012, the new type of professional farmers was first written into the No. 1 document of the Central Committee, and in the same year, the Ministry of Agriculture launched 1.

With the development of agriculture, the connotation of "farmer" has changed greatly, and it is an irresistible historical trend to change from a "hereditary" identity to a brand-new career.

In 2012, the "new type of professional farmers" was written into the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee for the first time, and in the same year, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a pilot project for the cultivation of new professional farmers in 100 counties across the country, with the aim of training new farmers with culture, technology and management, and to solve the problem of "who will farm the land." the problem of how to plant the land well is both urgent and related to the overall situation. To some extent, the future of agriculture and the country's food security depend on the new type of professional farmers.

In 2014, 10 cities and counties, including Haikou, Wanning, Chengmai, Sanya, Danzhou, Lingao, Qiongzhong, Changjiang, Ding'an and Tunchang, were included in the 300 demonstration counties of the national new professional farmer training program. The main task of the pilot project is to establish three systems of education and training, identification and management, and policy support, so that farmers can become a career that can settle down, which is undoubtedly a significant institutional change. Hainan Province immediately issued the "implementation Plan for the cultivation of New Professional Farmers in Hainan Province", and Hainan Province launched the training project of new professional farmers at the same time.

Are they still genuine farmers?

Productive professional farmers:

Tube type regardless of pin

In Hainan in May, litchi is the most popular fruit on the market.

At the East Road Farm in Wenchang City, litchi grower Xing Xingtai strolls in his orchard, observing the growth of lychees one by one against the scorching sun.

In previous years, Xing Jietai would not have strolled so leisurely in the orchard. "at this time in previous years, I had to run for the sale of litchi. It is common for me to show several groups of buyers the fruit every day." 'There are many things to consider about market price, demand, transportation distance and how to keep it fresh, 'Mr. Xing said.

And now so calm, because in front of these 10 mu of litchi, already "famous fruit has a master".

At the beginning of this year, under the lead organization of the Hainan Provincial General Administration of Land Reclamation and relevant departments, the Donglu Farm auctioned the purchase rights of more than 700,000 jin of "Feizixiao" litchi at the end of April, which not only reassured the growers, but also set a high price of 13.2 yuan per jin. Therefore, in the next half month, what Xing Xingtai has to do is to use his skillful planting techniques to ensure that this batch of lychees are picked in perfect appearance, which is particularly simple for experienced growers like Xing Yitai.

From planting, grafting, fertilization, fruit protection, picking, and sales, to now only need to give full play to their strengths to grow litchi, Xing Yitai's identity has also changed from a traditional litchi grower to a productive professional farmer focused on planting.

"for farmers, the market has always been something that cannot be understood. Instead of distracting them from production, it is better to give full play to the strengths of the farmers themselves." Xia Yongkai, a postdoctoral fellow at the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, has been committed to promoting the professionalization of farmers. He said that at present, litchi growers on Donglu Farm can be said to be typical productive professional farmers.

Liberate from the whole industry chain and focus on the production links that you are best at-

In the past, from planting to selling, now just plant well.

Horticulture, fresh food, cash crops, foreign exchange-earning agriculture and other higher value-added agricultural production, compared with traditional rice and other crops, higher profits, often become the first choice for productive professional farmers. Driven by cooperatives and leading enterprises, farmers' ability to evade market risks has been strengthened, and their income is naturally more stable.

"in traditional agriculture, farmers often undertake the whole industrial chain from production to sales, while productive professional farmers are more like a link in this industrial chain, and they are the most familiar and good at it." From the initial development of the banana industry to continuously paying attention to the development of new professional farmers, Xia Yongkai believes that liberating farmers from areas that farmers are not good at and concentrate on doing what they are best at is like a fresh graduate who is more comfortable with a professional counterpart.

Not only in the East Road, the banana industry in the East, the coffee industry in Chengmai, etc., all allow farmers to focus on the local advantages of industries, using "professional" to promote development.

Service-oriented professional farmers:

There is gold even if there is no land.

In Bazuo Town of Dongfang City in mid-May, half a month ago it was a green cornfield, but now most of it has been harvested, but Tang Shigan, a farmer in Bazuo Town, still drove to the major corn planting bases.

From the selection, sowing, fertilization, harvest and listing of corn varieties, Tang has never been idle for a moment. Tang Shigan is a little famous in the corn growing circle in Dongfang City. But those who do not know him may wonder that it is a bit puzzling for a farmer who has not planted an acre of corn this year to worry so much about corn planting.

"in fact, I was born as a grower, but as the eastern corn industry grew bigger and bigger, I found different business opportunities." The business opportunity in Tang Shigan's mouth is actually professional service. Prenatal help farmers analyze the market situation, select planting varieties, pay attention to diseases and insect pests and climate impact, post-natal docking dealers and farmers, Tang Shigan one-stop intermediary service, for him to win profits, but also won word of mouth.

Service-oriented professional farmers like Tang Shigan, as an "intermediary" linking agricultural industry and market, have become an indispensable member of the current agricultural industry chain. "like the well-known Yuanping fruit broker, these corn intermediaries in Dongfang City are not only a bridge between farmers and the market, but also a lubricant for the entire corn industry chain." In Xia Yongkai's view, in the current agriculture in Hainan, it is common for farmers to be out of touch with the market, and the unsalable agricultural products are also related to them. The emergence of service-oriented professional farmers is both necessary and inevitable.

With market information in hand, we provide one-stop services before, during and after delivery.

Specializing in intermediary services linking the field and the market

Abandon the traditional planting, breeding, through prenatal, mid-production, post-natal one-stop service, to obtain considerable economic benefits. In the era of information explosion, holding market information is equivalent to holding the best-selling "product". "many agricultural intermediaries, who often come from peasant households, know nothing about the local agricultural industry." Xia Yongkai said that through their own transformation and upgrading, increased contact with dealers, the market, they also have more information.

At the same time, production-oriented professional farmers and service-oriented professional farmers can also form a good complementary, like a clear social division of labor, each performing his own duties and strengths.

Business-oriented professional farmers:

Multiple ways to get rich

In Chashan Village, Nada Town, Danzhou City, during the tapping season, a recent "news" has become a hot topic in the village: Zhong Zhihui, a villager in Chashan village, cut down 7 mu of rubber trees planted for many years when his neighbors were in a hurry to cut rubber. As a big grower in the village, this kind of behavior is somewhat puzzling.

In the midst of exclamations, Zhong Zhihui has his own plan. "these rubber trees have been planted for many years, but their economic benefits are much lower than they used to be. coupled with extensive management, the output is not high." Zhong Zhihui said: now that the economic benefits of good varieties of papaya are good, and they can also develop under-forest farming, it is time to change their thinking and develop some potential industries. Even the name of "papaya chicken" raised under the forest has been figured out.

Shao Xianghui, secretary of the party branch of Qiaonan Village in that town, also took the lead in cutting down the aging rubber tree. "I not only cut down the tree, but also demolished the pigsty at home. The environment of the village has been polluted and I want to change my mind." Shao Xianghui said: cut down the aging rubber trees and plant a new variety, jackfruit; give up heavily polluted pig farms and develop Nongjiale-Shao Xianghui, which is built on the forest. Shao Xianghui has made a decent plan for his own industry.

What Zhong Zhihui and Shao Xianghui have in common is that the traditional thinking on agricultural development has changed, and what has brought about the change is the training course for professional farmers of production and management type undertaken by the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, which adds up to a short period of 15 days of training. let Zhong Zhihui and Shao Xianghui broaden their horizons.

There are different ways to develop under-forest economy and rural tourism, but they are all thinking about the development from a single agricultural industry model to multi-level agriculture. "the transformation from simple growers and farmers to business-oriented professional farmers is not as simple as cutting down trees. Compared with the complementary advantages of production-oriented and service-oriented professional farmers, business-oriented professional farmers need a broader vision and a more complete industrial chain. " Gao Xiuyun, deputy director of the Institute of Information of the Academy of Thermal Sciences, who is in charge of training, believes that the key to the transformation and upgrading of the agricultural industry is to change thinking, which is difficult, but has potential.