
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of tequila

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tequila, also known as tequila, is the tequila family, tequila is a perennial evergreen large herb, native to Mexico, because the leaves are firm, and the driver evergreen, is one of the important materials for garden cultivation, and is often used as a pot culture. So tequila should

Tequila, also known as tequila, is the tequila family, tequila is a perennial evergreen large herb, native to Mexico, because the leaves are firm, and the driver evergreen, is one of the important materials for garden cultivation, and is often used as a pot culture. So how to cultivate tequila? Let's take a look.

I. Culture methods

1. Soil requirements

Tequila can be cultivated either in water or in soil, and loose and well-drained sandy soil can be selected for soil culture, because it grows slowly and does not need to change pots frequently, and the roots also need to be disinfected in hydroponics. Soak in rooting agent for a period of time in order to promote its root system to flourish.

2. Light temperature

Tequila likes to grow in a sunny environment and can grow normally even in a strong light environment. During the growth period, it is necessary to maintain 7-8 hours of light every day, otherwise it will cause poor growth and development of its leaves, and long-term sunshine treatment should be given in autumn and winter. When it is lower than 7 degrees, it should be put indoors for maintenance.

3. Water management

Water management is a point that should be paid attention to in the maintenance process of tequila. When watering, it is necessary to water thoroughly, often to keep the soil moist, and to reduce watering in winter. In hydroponics, it is necessary to change water frequently, if you can gradually add water after water evaporation in the rooting season, so as not to destroy the adaptability of the root system.

4. Regular fertilization

Tequila grows faster in the nutrient-rich substrate, so it can apply thin liquid fertilizer once a month in the growing season, mainly rotten organic fertilizer, watering after fertilization, hydroponic culture can add some nutrient solution to increase resistance.

II. Points for attention

1. Overwintering management

Tequila has poor cold resistance, so it is necessary to take cold protection measures in water culture in winter to avoid freezing on the surface of the water surface and affect plant growth. In addition, it is best to use exposed tap water or pure water. It is necessary to change water frequently in high temperature weather and reduce the frequency of water change in low temperature.

2. prevention of diseases and insect pests

The common diseases of tequila are Botrytis cinerea, leaf spot and anthrax. It is best to strengthen air circulation at the time of onset, cut off the diseased leaves in time, and then spray with carbendazim or Bordeaux solution for continuous spraying for 1-2 months until improved.

The above is the introduction of tequila culture methods and matters needing attention, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.