
How to raise the latest asparagus orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Asparagus, also known as Pingtung stone bean orchid, is a relatively easy to raise plants, its indoor culture, can improve the air environment, but also has a certain antibacterial effect, very popular. So how to raise asparagus orchid? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction with the editor. Asparagus orchid

Dragon's beard orchid also known as Pingtung stone bean orchid, is a relatively easy to raise plants, indoor culture, can improve the air environment, but also has a certain antibacterial effect, very popular. So how should the dragon beard orchid be raised? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction together with Xiaobian.

Breeding method of agri-orchids

1. Temperature and light

Dragon orchids like warm environment, in the environment above 20 degrees grow vigorously, winter indoor temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees, otherwise there will be yellow leaves, deciduous phenomenon. Gracilaria is afraid of direct light, suitable for growing in an environment with strong scattered light, but pay attention to proper absorption of sunlight to maintain leaf thickness. If it grows in a dark environment for a long time, it will cause excessive stem growth, slender internodes, sparse plant type, thin and pale leaves and lose luster. Therefore, in spring, summer and autumn, it can be placed in a well-ventilated semi-yang place, while in winter it will be placed in a sunny pig, and in summer it should be protected from strong light exposure to avoid leaf burns.

2. Watering and fertilizing

In normal maintenance to moderate watering, keep the pot soil dry and wet, avoid dry, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow, but too much watering, resulting in pot bottom water will also cause rot root death, winter is to control watering. Before cultivation, it is best to mix oil cake, bone meal and other slow-acting fertilizers into the pot soil as base fertilizer. During the growth period, thin liquid fertilizer should be applied once every half month. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be cheated to death, but phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added.

3. Pest control

Root rot disease can be controlled by irrigating root with 3% carbofuran granules. Leaf spot disease should be first cut off and then sprayed with 500 times solution of 70% mancozeb WP.

II. Precautions

It is best to choose clean tap water when watering agrillic plants, but let it stand for 24 hours before watering to avoid chlorine in tap water damaging the plants. It is best to apply fertilizer according to the principle of thin fertilizer and frequent application. Dilute liquid fertilizer is best, avoid raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer. When the leaves of Gracilaria are growing vigorously, they should be pruned in time, which not only increases permeability, but also reduces the possibility of pest breeding. In addition, it is also possible to prune dead leaves and diseased branches, so as not to affect the appearance.

The above is how to raise the introduction of dragon beard orchid, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.