
What if the leaves of the latest gardenia wilt

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia must be familiar to everyone, gardenia is a set of medicinal, ornamental flowers and plants. The planting area in our country is large, which is welcomed by many people. However, when planting gardenia, it is easy to have a lot of problems if it is not managed properly.

Gardenia must be familiar to everyone, gardenia is a set of medicinal, ornamental flowers and plants. The planting area in our country is large, which is welcomed by many people. However, when planting gardenia, it is easy to have a lot of problems if it is not managed properly. The wilting of leaves is one of them, resulting in a serious decline in the ornamental value of gardenia. So what should I do if the gardenia leaves wilt? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Humidity control

Gardenia likes to grow in a warm environment and has certain requirements for temperature and humidity. If the humidity is too high or the temperature is too high, then the gardenia will have a greater impact on growth. Gardenia root waterlogging tolerance is relatively poor, if the production of stagnant water, root respiration is blocked, unable to absorb nutrients and water, resulting in wilting leaves. If it is caused by too much water, then it is necessary to appropriately reduce the amount of water, watering should be based on the principle of no dry and no watering. However, at noon in summer, because the temperature is high, it is necessary to pour more water properly, otherwise the leaves may wilt.

2. Increase the light and heat preservation

Light is very important for the growth of gardenia, if gardenia lives in a dark and weak light environment for a long time. Then the leaves will wilt easily, so we should pay attention to provide some light for the gardenia. However, we should also pay attention to the light intensity, the light intensity can not be too large, to provide an appropriate amount of scattered light. If the leaf wilting occurs in winter, it may be caused by low temperature. At this time, it is necessary to remove the wilted leaves in time, and then do a good job of heat preservation.

3. Removal of pesticide residues

Gardenia is vulnerable to insect pests, flower farmers in order to ensure the normal growth of gardenia, will choose to spray some pesticides to kill insects. However, many people in the preparation of pesticides, do not control the concentration of the drug, resulting in gardenia leaves by drug damage. Therefore, every time after spraying pesticides, we should wash the leaves with clean water to avoid drug residues. However, it is still necessary to do a good job in pest control, if you take medicine regularly, it can effectively prevent insects.

4. Change soil and control fertilizer

In the growth of gardenia, fertilization is also more important. However, if the fertilizer ratio is not controlled properly when fertilizing, it is very easy to burn the roots and cause the leaves to wilt. Therefore, if fertilizer damage occurs, then the soil should be changed properly. However, it should be noted that if the gardenia grows into flowers, then the soil can not be changed, otherwise it may lead to death. The amount of fertilizer application is not too small, if the fertilizer is too little, because of insufficient nutrition, it will also affect the growth of leaves.

The above is a brief introduction to what to do when the gardenia leaves wilt. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.