
Grain Bank: it's not easy to say I love you.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Grain in Beard is busy, three or two games. When it comes to the wheat harvest season, beating and harvesting grain has become a major event for farmers' friends. How to preserve the grain collection home is an even more important event. Due to poor safekeeping, some farmers get mildew, sprout and lose their grain.

"Grain in Beard is busy, three or two games." When it comes to the wheat harvest season, beating and harvesting grain has become a major event for farmers' friends. How to preserve the grain collection home is an even more important event. Due to poor safekeeping of some farmers, some of the grain they got is moldy and some sprouted, resulting in large losses. There are also some farmers who are not sure about the market situation and are often unable to sell when they are expensive and unwilling to sell when they are cheap. Now, the gradual rise of the "grain bank" in the rural areas of Shenqiu County has resolved this contradiction well in practice.

A win-win exploration

On May 30, the reporter went to the countryside for an interview. Li Chuanyong, a farmer from Li Anzhuang Village, Dongcheng Office of Shenqiu County, held the wheat purchase statement issued for him by Tao Yumin, a local grain broker, in December 2014, and rejoiced from the bottom of his heart: "like deposits, grain can also be deposited in the 'bank' and generate 'interest'. After more than half a year, one kilogram of wheat has been sold for an extra one or two cents, which is much better than leaving grain at home. "

The "grain bank" run by grain brokers like Tao Yumin has three main business models: the first is regular generation storage. Farmers deposit their surplus grain in the grain purchase network, that is, the "grain bank" for a period of half a year or one year. If the deposit period is half a year, the cash will be withdrawn at maturity, the price will be increased by 0.10 yuan per kilogram; if the deposit period is one year, the cash will be withdrawn at maturity and the price will be increased by 0.20 yuan per kilogram. The second is the current generation storage type. Farmers who sell grain can settle cash immediately. If the settlement cannot be settled at that time, the purchase outlets will give the farmers a good receipt according to the market price agreed on that day. According to the trend of grain market prices, farmers can settle grain payments with receipts at any time in the following year. The third is the exchange type of stored grain. That is, farmers can convert their raw grain into grain products.

At a service agency for agriculture, rural areas and farmers in Zhidian Town, Shenqiu County, the reporter casually opened the "original Grain Book" written by villager Lu Yanli, which read "100 jin of wheat = 70 jin of standard flour + 27 jin of wheat bran, 100 jin of wheat = 60 jin of noodles." The first page of the book records the basic information of depositors and exchange instructions, while the following pages record the date of grain storage, quantity, withdrawal date and balance. Many local farmers aptly call this kind of "original grain book" as "grain passbook" and such "three rural service cooperatives" as "grain bank".

"I keep my grain in a 'grain bank', which can be sold at any time at the market price, or I can get back the same variety and quantity of grain or exchange it for finished grain. Unlike in the past, keeping grain in your own home not only takes up space, but also consumes it, and you have to dry it frequently to prevent mildew. " Several farmers whose raw grain is stored in this three rural service cooperative said that after their wheat and corn were harvested, they were handed over to the three rural service cooperative for storage, saving money, worry, and effort, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

It is understood that in 22 townships (offices) in Shenqiu County, there are more than 300 such grain purchase outlets, and about 106000 farmers have participated in grain storage. Zhoukou Xuerong flour Co., Ltd. is a leading industrialization enterprise supported by the Agricultural Development Bank of Shenqiu County. In recent years, it has stored and sold the grain of many farmers in 11 townships in the county. In addition to meeting the needs of local farmers, the processed flour and instant noodles are also sold to Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing and other big cities, with annual sales reaching 180 million yuan. With the development of the company, farmers get real benefits and achieve a win-win situation.

There are risks in the operation.

After the gradual development in recent years, the role of "grain bank" is obvious to all. However, with the change of social and economic environment, the hidden risks in the operation of "grain bank" have gradually emerged.

In order to maintain their own operation and expand their operations, some "grain banks" absorb a large amount of grain from farmers. When grain processing profits are sufficient to maintain interest and expenses, these "grain banks" can fulfill their promises to farmers in a timely manner. When the profit of grain processing is not enough to maintain the interest and various expenses, it will be unable to fulfill the promise to the farmers in time or even difficult because of the loss.

Some township cadres told reporters that since the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, great changes have taken place in the way grain is harvested and stored in rural areas. After collective production has become household-by-household production, some production facilities and equipment, such as grain drying fields, have been greatly reduced and even disappeared in some places. Therefore, farmers need to be equipped with dryers at the right time, but due to a variety of reasons, mainly economic reasons, farmers do not want to buy, the number of dryers in rural areas is rare, the popularity is far from enough.

In the case of labor shortage, many farmers use harvester to harvest the grain and sell it directly to the "grain bank". Because the grain has not been fully dried, it is generally high in moisture and high in impurities. As far as the "grain banks" with good ventilation and drying conditions are concerned, they still have the ability to deal with them, but the expenses are very high; while for the "grain banks" with poor ventilation and drying conditions, they are prone to the problem of mildew of grain, and the resulting losses are not trivial.

Compared with other processing enterprises, the operating profit of "Grain Bank" is very low, so there are only a few that can be maintained in a period of depressed grain market prices. Under such circumstances, it is generally difficult for "grain banks" to successfully cash in the grain or grain funds stored by farmers, which is bound to affect the vital interests of many farmers.

Some relatively large "grain banks" store a large amount of grain, involving thousands of households, and once there is a problem in the storage link or capital chain, it will affect a large area, easily lead to social contradictions and affect social stability.

Urgent need for standardization and guidance

In practice, the "grain bank" is beneficial to grain storage and processing enterprises, farmers and social development. It is certainly necessary for the government and relevant departments, including the financial sector, to strengthen market norms and correct guidance to the "grain bank" and give preferential policies and financial support to promote its sustained, healthy and sound development.

Judging from the exploration of the "grain bank" in Shenqiu County, many "grain banks" are basically still in the initial stage or the initial stage, and are basically established spontaneously by some enterprises or individuals. lack of standardized management, active guidance, policy support and financial support from the government and relevant departments.

For example, the social credibility of the "grain bank" needs to be strictly examined and checked by the departments of industry and commerce, taxation, price, and so on. For the processing enterprises and individuals that meet the requirements of setting up a "grain bank", the industrial and commercial departments should apply for certificates, authenticate them, and supervise them.

The competent grain departments should strengthen operational guidance, help them carry out management training, and timely check the implementation of their grain purchase quality, grain storage security and implementation of grain storage agreements. Those who violate the regulations and regulations on grain purchase shall be given corresponding warnings and penalties, or even disqualified for purchase in accordance with the law. Thus, let the "grain bank" operate scientifically, standardize operation, and develop healthily, so that the "grain passbook" in the hands of the broad masses of farmers can really become a "credit card" for convenience and benefit to the people.