
The latest propagation method of mulberry flower

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Fusang flowers are widely used in our country. Fusang flowers have the characteristics of large and colorful flowers, which are often blooming in four seasons, and are of great ornamental value in the gardens of many cities. And it is also distributed all over our country as potted plants, so now people who grow mulberry flowers

Hibiscus flower in China is relatively large scope of use, hibiscus flower has a large color characteristics, four seasons open, in many cities in the garden has a greater value. And also as potted plants in China are distributed throughout, so now planting hibiscus flowers or more people. So when planting hibiscus flowers, how to reproduce them? The following small series brings you the breeding method of hibiscus flower. Let's take a look at it together!

1. Sowing and breeding

Sowing propagation is a common propagation method of hibiscus. Hibiscus flower seed coat is relatively hard, so we are in the seed before sowing is to be treated, so as to improve seed germination rate. First we have to bruise the seed coat, or put it in sulfuric acid for about half an hour to corrode it. Then remove and clean with water before sowing. After sowing, the temperature should be controlled at about 30 degrees, and it can germinate in about 3 days. If it is a hybrid new variety, then because its performance is relatively weak, so to graft propagation based.

2. Grafting propagation

Hibiscus flower grafting propagation time is best to choose spring, because this time is the growth peak of hibiscus flower, and scion survival has a longer growth period, can let it fully grow. Rootstock can be selected from the same genus of healthy varieties, but pay attention to scion, rootstock between the growth, branching rules and flowering, etc., it is best to maintain similar. Then grafting method is generally based on relatively simple cleavage, scion should also choose healthy branches, keep the same thickness as the rootstock.

Then keep the top bud of the branch and about 3 leaves, cut it into a wedge shape at the lower part, remove the top tip of the rootstock, split the middle, and then directly insert the branch into the right position. After insertion, fix it with grafting clip or plastic strip to avoid direct sunlight. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain good humidity to avoid scion leaves wilting due to lack of water. The scion can be covered with a plastic bag for moisture retention, and the scion can survive after about one month. After survival, slowly open the plastic bag to supplement the light.

3. Cutting propagation

Cuttage propagation is now one of the most widely used propagation methods for hibiscus flowers. Under normal circumstances, it can be carried out all year round, but the best cutting time is around May-June. If you need to cut in winter, then it should be done in the greenhouse. First, cut off the healthy branches growing in that year, mainly semi-lignification, cut them into branches of about 11 cm, remove the lower leaves, and retain the upper two leaves. Then pay attention to keep the incision smooth, insert it directly into the clean river sand, and spray water properly every day to maintain humidity. Pay attention to shade, cover a good film, about three weeks or so can take root, if there are terminal buds, then take root faster. After about a month and a half, you can go to the basin.

The above is a simple introduction to the breeding method of hibiscus flowers. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!