
What about the latest yellow flowers?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jade hairpin flower is also called white crane fairy, is a perennial root plant of lily family. Its ornamental value is very high, and the flower root of hairpin also has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, relieving cough and throat, which is welcomed by many people. But when we planted the hairpin,

The jade hairpin flower, also known as the white crane fairy, is a perennial root plant of the Liliaceae. Its ornamental value is very high, and the flower root of Hosta has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, relieving cough and pharynx, so it is welcomed by many people. However, when we plant hairpins, there is often the phenomenon of yellow leaves of hairpin flowers, which seriously affects the ornamental quality of hairpin flowers. So what about the jade hairpin flowers and yellow leaves? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Soil discomfort

Soil is one of the main reasons for the yellow leaves of hairpin flowers. When planting hairpin flowers, it is necessary to maintain a soil with good drainage and strong permeability. If the soil is too sticky, then as long as a little more water will affect the root respiration of Hosta flowers, resulting in rotting roots and other phenomena, resulting in Hosta yellow leaves. In this case, we should change the soil in time, take out the plant completely, and then cut off the rotten roots. Then replant it into the new soil, we must pay attention to create a good soil environment for the jade hairpin flowers, reduce yellow leaves and other bad phenomena.

2. Improper watering

Improper watering can also easily cause yellow leaves of jade hairpin flowers. If too much watering leads to stagnant water in the soil, it will also inhibit the respiration of the flowers, and the roots will gradually rot due to lack of oxygen, resulting in yellow leaves. But also must be watered, if there is not enough water, then the leaves will also be yellow because of the lack of water. So we must control the amount of water and keep the soil moist and free from stagnant water. If you water too much, you should drain the water in time and change the basin if necessary. When watering, in order to see the soil dry and wet as the principle, you can properly spray water around the plant to maintain air humidity.

3. Excessive illumination

Jade hairpin flower is a kind of flower that likes shade, and its tolerance to strong light is very poor. If the hairpin flower is exposed to strong light, it is very disadvantageous to the growth of leaves. Leaves may be burned as a result, and water evaporates faster, making it extremely prone to yellow leaves. Therefore, when we are usually in maintenance, we should pay attention to shading work. Especially in the summer season of high temperature and strong light, the leaves of Hosta must not be exposed to direct sunlight. To do a good job of shading, the degree of shade can be maintained at about 80% to ensure the normal growth of hairpin flowers.

4. Excessive fertilization

Jade hairpin flowers do not have much demand for fertilizer in their growth. Therefore, when we apply fertilizer, we must pay attention to control the dosage and frequency. If there is too much fertilizer, then the heat generated by the fertilizer can easily lead to the burning of the hairpin flowers, resulting in yellow leaves and fallen leaves. If we apply too much fertilizer, then we should water and dilute the fertilizer in time and get rid of the excess fertilizer. If the situation is more serious, then take out the plant in time to remove the pot, rinse the root thoroughly and then replant it. Then in the daily maintenance, appropriate and timely fertilization, before flowering can be applied appropriate amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, fertilizer can not touch the branches and leaves.

The above is a brief introduction to the flowers and yellow leaves of the jade hairpin. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope I can help you.