
The latest Culture methods and points for attention of Xiangxue Orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Xiangxue orchid is one of the more common indoor ornamental plants, its leaves are like swords, various colors, shaped like lilies, and its flowering period is very long, so it can be cultivated in cut flowers and potted in greenhouse, which is deeply loved by flower lovers. So you know how to keep Xiangxue orchid

Fragrant snow orchid is a common indoor ornamental plants, its leaves like a sword, a variety of colors, the shape of lily, flowering very long, can be cut flowers cultivation, but also greenhouse potted, loved by flower lovers. Do you know how to grow vanilla? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian.

1. Selection of basin soil

Fragrant snow orchid on the soil requirements are relatively high, in the drainage performance is strong and loose fertile, rich in humus sandy soil growth is most suitable, potted can choose to use rotting soil, pastoral soil, fine sand and decomposed organic fertilizer mixed soil, before cultivation with chemicals to disinfect once. When planting, it is best to use shallow pots, because the roots of freesia are bulbs, unlike other flower plants, the pot is too deep for management, and shallow pots can ensure that it has enough room to grow.

2. Light and temperature environment

Fragrant snow orchid for the temperature requirements are relatively high, growth in the right temperature is to ensure that it blossoms on the basis of growth temperature of 10-20 degrees for the best, between 10-15 degrees at night, to maintain the right temperature difference for its growth is extremely beneficial, winter to avoid temperatures lower than 3 degrees. Vanilla is a light-loving plant, so it should maintain sufficient light during seedling stage, growth stage and flowering stage, but it must avoid strong light exposure in March-April, because it will be exposed to excessive sunlight temperature, once it exceeds 25 degrees, it will cause its growth to slow down, so when the light is too strong, it is very unfavorable for growth.

3. Watering and fertilizing

When putting vanilla in the pot, you can add some base fertilizer appropriately at the bottom of the pot. Don't fertilize too much at the seedling stage. You can apply it once a month in the vigorous growth period. It is recommended to apply decomposed bean cake water fertilizer. You can also spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate at the flowering stage. It can promote flower bud germination and make flowers bloom more brightly. For vanilla how to water is a knowledge, general daily maintenance of watering once a week can be, if the soil is too dry faster to shorten the watering time, and in the vigorous growth period every 3-5 days to water once.

4. Precautions

The common diseases of Xiangxue orchid include sclerotium disease, mosaic disease and blight, and the insect pest is mainly aphid. The disease can be controlled by spraying 70% mancozeb 500 times solution and 70% thiophane methyl. For aphid prevention, daily management and maintenance should be strengthened, and low concentration of miyejing can be used for control.

The above is the introduction of the cultivation methods and precautions of fragrant snow orchid, I hope to help you, if you want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.