
What is wrong with the latest soft flowers?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The longevity flower is a kind of perennial succulent herb, because the longevity flower blooms around Christmas, so it is also called Christmas blue vegetable. Longevity flower has a very high ornamental value and is loved by many people. It is now basically distributed throughout our country.

Longevity flower is a perennial succulent herb, because the florescence of longevity flower is around Christmas, so it is also called Christmas cabbage. Longevity flowers have very high ornamental value and are loved by many people. Now it is basically distributed in all parts of our country, and when planting longevity flowers, we sometimes encounter the phenomenon that the leaves of longevity flowers become soft. So what happened when the leaves of longevity flowers softened? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Do not adapt to the environment

It takes some time for longevity flowers to adapt to their surroundings. When planting longevity flowers, if the soil changes the growth environment of longevity flowers. Then, because the light, temperature and humidity are different from before, the longevity flowers can not adapt in time, and the absorption of nutrient water is blocked, which leads to the softening of longevity flowers leaves. This kind of reason is generally relatively normal, we just need to do a good job in daily management and wait for a period of time. When the longevity flowers gradually adapt to the new environment, then the leaves will gradually return to normal.

2. Lack of light

Longevity flowers like to grow in an environment with plenty of light, and the demand for light is still very large. Therefore, if the longevity flowers grow in low light for a long time and lack of light, then the photosynthesis of the leaves will be blocked and will become softer and thinner. Therefore, when we cultivate longevity flowers, we should pay attention to keep the light, so that it can be exposed to the sun, during the growing period, we should maintain at least six hours of light every day. However, the light should not be too strong, to prevent burning leaves, will also affect the growth of longevity flowers.

3. Improper watering

Long-lived peanuts for a long time, there is a certain demand for water. Therefore, we also need to do a good job of watering, if the longevity flowers lack of water, then the leaves will appear water shortage wilting phenomenon, resulting in softening. But the amount of water should not be too much, if the soil produces stagnant water and does not drain in time, it will lead to rotten roots of longevity flowers and affect the nutrition absorption of longevity flowers. The leaves will soften due to lack of nutrition. Therefore, while ensuring to meet the water content of longevity flowers, we should pay attention to controlling the amount of watering, watering too much or timely drainage after rain to prevent more water from retting the roots.

4. Reasons for fertilization

Fertilization is also important when planting longevity flowers. Reasonable fertilization can supplement sufficient growth nutrition for longevity flowers and promote the growth of longevity flowers. If there is not enough fertilizer, it will lead to a lack of nutrition for longevity flowers, resulting in softer leaves. But like watering, we should also control the amount of fertilizer, not too much fertilizer. Excessive fertilization will lead to fertilizer damage to longevity flowers and burn the roots of plants, which will also have a great impact on the growth of Magnolia. Therefore, we must pay more attention to rational fertilization, control the amount of fertilizer application, and ensure the normal growth of longevity flowers.

The above is a brief introduction to how the leaves of longevity flowers become soft. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.