
The income of family farm should not be lower than that of migrant workers.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On May 31, Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group, said at the 2015 China Agricultural Development Forum that the balance of family farm size is that the per capita income of grain farmers' family farms is not lower than that of migrant workers, or even less than the urban residents of this city.

Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group, said at the 2015 China Agricultural Development Forum on May 31 that the balance of family farm size is that the per capita income of grain farmers' family farms is not lower than that of migrant workers, or even lower than the income of urban residents in this city.

The following are some of the records:

This is the outstanding pressure we have to face in the future, and it can also be said that now that China's agriculture has once again reached an important historical barrier, it is necessary for us to grasp the conditions in all aspects.

There are many problems in China's agriculture. Each of these problems is not so simple to solve. I think the most prominent problem, in fact, from our analysis, I think, the problem of agricultural cost is of course a sustainable development in the long run. Rising costs also mean breaking through the ceiling, rising agricultural costs in China is inevitable for our national stage, and the economy is rising rapidly. People's income is rising rapidly, under this background, the prices of people's means of production are rising, the prices of labor costs and land rents in China are rising rapidly, and this trend is very obvious around 2010 in the new century. The countries with the most important agricultural products implement minimum purchase prices and temporary purchase prices. These prices have gone up, and our costs have risen very fast.

In 2004, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee proposed the comprehensive opening of the grain market, and the State Council stipulated that in the case of opening up the grain market in an all-round way, it should be the 12th year since then, and the price has been maintained, but the level has not been greatly improved. In 2004, the minimum purchase price for wheat was 60 cents. Now in 2014, you can see that the minimum purchase price for wheat is 1.18 yuan. These prices have probably increased by more than 2/3. The purchase price of rice in 2004 was 70 cents a jin earlier, 1.35 yuan last year, and 72 cents for middle and late rice in 2014. Japonica rice was 7.5 in 2004 and 1.55 last year. From this point of view, the price of indica rice has increased by 91% Mui 92%, while the price of japonica rice is about 100%. This is not the price in the past 12 years, the minimum protective price was set in 2004, the price remained unchanged in the first four years, and the real price increase began in 2008. The price of wheat I just mentioned increased by about 2/3, and the price of rice increased by about 100%. This change made a significant change in the price of the whole between 2008 and 2014. The original change is about the minimum purchase price, but gradually the minimum purchase price continues to rise, and it has actually become the highest purchase price in the Chinese market. The change to the highest purchase price has led to two results. to some extent, the government has become the only institution for grain purchase, resulting in the grain collected is basically in the country, all in warehouses. So why in recent years, in different regions, processing enterprises in the market often say that they do not make money, and the purchase price is higher than that borne by processing enterprises and dealers.

The second is that the price advantage of China's agricultural products is obvious at the beginning of the new century, and now the price of agricultural products exceeds that of the international market, which leads to the rapid growth of the number of holes in the international market. Imports of all kinds of grain products increased at the end of last year, exceeding 100 million tons last year. In terms of international standards, grain is relatively limited. Rice accounted for more of the three major grains we imported last year, while millet and corn accounted for a relatively low proportion. In addition, less than 80 million tons of soybeans are imported, and there are more than 20 million soybeans, including more than 5 million barley, 5 million sorghum and 5 million corn. Why not import these products? in the past, we imported barley, but now, in fact, half of the more than 5 million barley imports have gone into feed. Sorghum we need for brewing has not used international sorghum. Basic international sorghum has entered feed. You can see that the rapid expansion of imports of these four new products shows that the main body of the market is using it to replace the consumption of corn. One of the important reasons is that the price of corn in the domestic market is higher than that in the international market.

Corn at the beginning of the implementation of the minimum price policy, corn and soybeans were not within this range at that time, but in 2007 there were problems in the production and marketing of corn, market prices fell, in order to protect the interests of farmers, the first retail purchase price of corn in 2007. So how much is the temporary purchase price that year? The average price is 70 Mao, Heilongjiang 6.9 Mao, Liaoning 71 Mao, this price became an average of 1.12 yuan last year, from 70 cents in 2007 to 2014 is also seven years, an increase of almost 60%, the domestic corn price is obviously higher than the market is also significantly higher than the international. More and more of these products have been replaced by the international market. So far, this has eased somewhat. The lowest purchase prices of the three major cereals, millet and rice, announced by the state this year remain at last year, and farmers also think they can accept them. The means of production are declining and global energy prices are falling. At present, farmers still accept this price.

Prices did not rise in 2015, we are now facing a very serious problem, produced can be sold, your own supply can meet your own needs, others may agree, they want to grab the market. Just now we talked about the simultaneous growth of the three. Some low-priced grain products in the world have entered the Chinese market, while some high-priced Chinese grain products have been introduced into warehouses. This situation cannot be sustained in the short term but in the long run. Therefore, it should be said that this problem is a very prominent and acute contradiction in China's agriculture, and we must take measures.

The central government has been soberly aware of this problem since the year before last and should have taken some specific measures. We all know that the target prices for cotton in Xinjiang and soybeans in Northeast China last year were actually trying to change the current situation. After a year of experience in the spring of 2013, this target price reform was launched in Xinjiang in 2014 with remarkable results. In Xinjiang, at the end of 2013, the state temporarily purchased Xinjiang at a price of 20400 per ton to ensure the interests of farmers. In fact, the domestic market takes into account the factors of imports and converts the price of the market. 13500 if we do this for a long time, we are unwilling to use domestic cotton. In view of this situation, the state adopted a target price for cotton reform in Xinjiang last year, and the target price is actually an expected price announced. The price of 19800 yuan per ton announced last year was 600 yuan lower than the price the year before last. This price is much higher than the price acceptable to the market. If the cotton you sell at the market price is lower than the target price, the government will make up the price difference. In fact, I just mentioned that the price that real farmers can sell is 19800, 6000 per ton. There is this change. This target price is mainly implemented in Xinjiang. Cotton in the Yellow River Basin and the Yangtze River Basin in the mainland does not enjoy this policy. After the reverse adjustment of the price difference between you and the market, cotton in Xinjiang, from what we know, the cotton acreage in Xinjiang has probably decreased by 7% to 8% compared with that of last year. However, the rate of reduction in the mainland is about 45%, and farmers know that it is not possible to grow cotton in this place. In this sense, the effect is obvious. There are also many specific details, such as how the country determines how much grain each household sells, and how I supply you with the target price, which is also very important. Last year, the Xinjiang Autonomous region and the central government made major adjustments to the target price of cotton. There is no way out for domestic cotton to maintain at this level, but the interests of farmers have to be taken into account.

There are also the target prices of soybeans implemented in Northeast and Inner Mongolia, which were not included in the past. Since 2008, due to the consideration of farmers, the state began to set soybeans in 2008, and the price in that year was 1.85. By 2013, as you all know, in 2300, in Northeast and Northeast Inner Mongolia, the price of soybeans is 2.4 yuan per jin, which is higher than that of the year before, and it is 4800 per ton. Many of you know that the dutiable price of imported soybeans is probably less than 3500. What if we collect the 4800 we buy from farmers? It is also a big problem. This reform has increased Jilin, Liaoning and the northeast of Inner Mongolia, and it is also being actively implemented, and the situation is much more complicated than cotton. Cotton we all know that we grow lint, there is a standard price to do the flower factory, how much a pack, how much cotton is collected in each flower factory, and how much lint is produced. Soybeans are different, no matter how many enterprises or how many in the middle, so farmers don't know what you sell, and the state doesn't know how much you sell.