
How do you keep the latest winter sunflowers?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The leaves of Sanwei sunflower are unique, just like a comb neatly arranged, although it is not common in life, but the ornamental value is very high, but also beautify the environment, purify the air role. But winter is a problem for the marshmallow. Winter

The leaves of sunflower are unique and neatly arranged like a comb. Although they are not common in life, they are of high ornamental value and can beautify the environment and purify the air. But winter for loose-tailed sunflower is a difficult problem, how to raise loose-tailed sunflower in winter? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Adjust the temperature

Loose-tailed sunflower is a tropical plant, which likes warmth and tolerance to shade, but is afraid of cold. It is necessary to maintain a temperature environment of at least 8 degrees in winter to make it safe to survive the winter. If it is below this temperature range, its branches and leaves will not be able to resist the severe cold and cause frost injury, and in severe cases, it may be frozen to death. Therefore, the maintenance of loose-tailed sunflower in winter needs to do a good job of heat preservation, in order to its normal growth, it is appropriate to maintain the growth environment temperature of 25-30 degrees, and control it above 15 degrees at night.

2. Enhance the illumination

In winter, not only the temperature is low, but also the duration of light is short and weak. When sunflower is lack of light, its nutrient accumulation is insufficient, which will also affect its growth. Therefore, as long as it is sunny in winter, it should be allowed to accept sufficient sunlight, sufficient light can enhance its activity and resistance to severe cold, but if there is no light at low temperature, then it will be difficult to survive the winter.

3. A small amount of water

After entering winter, loose-tailed sunflower basically enters the dormant state, when the growth is slow, the root activity is less, so the demand for water is not very high, so there is no need to water in winter. However, when the temperature rises, and there are continuous sunny days, it is very easy to water a small amount of water, watering should be chosen at noon high temperature, or you can spray water mist on the plant leaves once a week to increase air humidity and meet its water demand.

4. Stop fertilization

Fertilizing the plant is to promote its growth, but the winter temperature is low, the growth environment is uncomfortable, sunflower can not grow quickly, so there is no need to fertilize. Therefore, it is necessary to stop fertilizing in winter and apply thin fertilizer and water once a week if the temperature is stable at 15 degrees for a long time.

The above is the introduction of how to raise sunflower in winter. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.