
The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Pearl Plum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pearl plum is a strong ornamental flower plant, we can see its figure in many areas, and there are many friends who raise it, but there are many things to pay attention to in the process of breeding. So how to raise Pearl Plum? What should be paid attention to in the process of breeding?

Pearl plum is a strong ornamental flower plant, we can see its figure in many areas, and there are many friends who raise it, but there are many things to pay attention to in the process of breeding. So how to raise Pearl Plum? What should we pay attention to in the process of breeding? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Soil requirements

When raising pearl plum, we should first of all want the soil now, and it is best to choose a more fertile sand and gravel soil, because this kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability, which can make Pearl Plum absorb nutrients very well. it can also ensure that it will not appear the phenomenon of stagnant water retting roots, which is extremely important for pearl cotton culture.

2. Fertilizing and watering

Pearl cotton in the growth process of the demand for fertilizer is not very high, generally apply enough base fertilizer in the matrix, so that it can meet its growth and development, and then combined with winter management, apply base fertilizer once every one to two years. And its demand for water is different from season to season. For example, there are more Rain Water in spring, when we only need an appropriate amount of watering, but in summer and autumn, because the climate is dry and the temperature is high, the plant evaporation is large. So we need to appropriately increase the watering frequency, watering to ensure a thorough watering, usually maintain a suitable humidity, while in winter we only need to water once before winter. After that, there is no need to water for the whole winter.

3. Light pruning

Pearl plum is a kind of light-loving plant, so it is best to keep enough light in the process of culture, but when the summer sunshine is too strong, it still needs to be shaded properly so as not to burn the plant because of the strong light. In addition, pearl plum after flowering, the flowers will gradually wither, and there will be a lot of yellowing withered branches, which will affect the beauty, so it needs to be properly pruned at this time, so as to beautify the plant type, promote the growth of new branches, and lay the foundation for next year's flowering.

4. Diseases and insect pests

In the process of pearl plum culture, if the maintenance is not allowed, it is very easy to have the problem of diseases and insect pests, which do great harm to the plants, and it is easy to cause the plants to die if they are not dealt with in time, so it is necessary to control the diseases and insect pests in time.

The above is the introduction of the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Pearl Plum. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.