
The latest Culture methods and points for attention of Colored Leaf Grass

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The ornamental value of colourful leaf grass is extremely high, and it is often used as flower beds, venue, theater layout patterns, and its adaptability is very strong, it is relatively simple to raise, and many of them are cultivated in potted plants at home. So how to raise colourful leaf grass? What should I pay attention to? With

The ornamental value of colourful leaf grass is extremely high, and it is often used as flower beds, venue, theater layout patterns, and its adaptability is very strong, it is relatively simple to raise, and many of them are cultivated in potted plants at home. So how to raise colourful leaf grass? What should I pay attention to? Let's get to know it with the editor.

I. Culture methods

1. Soil

Coloured leaf grass has strong adaptability to soil, can adapt to all kinds of soil, and can grow normally in both acidic and alkaline soil, but the most suitable soil is the acid soil with loose and fertile, good drainage and rich humus, so garden soil and rotten leaf soil are the most suitable.

2. Lighting

Because the main ornamental value of colored leaf grass comes from its leaves, so the leaf color is bright, then the ornamental value is high, on the contrary, the leaf color is dim, then the ornamental value will decline sharply. If you want its leaves to be bright, you need plenty of light. In summer, if you want this idea to shine directly, you need proper shade, but don't be too hidden.

3. Temperature

Colourful leaf grass likes a warm environment, and the suitable growth temperature is between 18 and 25 degrees. It should be kept above 10 degrees in winter. Too low temperature will cause its leaves to yellowing, while less than 5 degrees may directly cause plants to freeze to death.

4. Watering and fertilization

Colourful leaf grass has relatively high requirements for water, lack of water will cause it to grow slowly, and the leaf color is not glossy, so it must be properly watered to ensure that the soil is moist. In terms of fertilizer. The demand for colourful leaf grass is not very high, but it is important to ensure the nutrients needed for its growth, so it is necessary to apply base fertilizer at the bottom during planting and thin nitrogen fertilizer once a month during the growing period to promote leaf growth.

II. Points for attention

Although colourful leaf grass likes the moist environment, it must not be watered too much, based on the principle that there is no stagnant water in the basin, and do not let the soil continue to be watered when the soil is still moist. The second watering should be carried out after the soil is dry. The cold resistance of colourful leaf grass is relatively poor, if the temperature is lower than 5 degrees, it will be frostbitten, so we must pay attention to the change of air temperature in winter and spring, and we should take heat preservation measures as soon as possible, such as moving to indoor maintenance or putting on a plastic bag.

The above is the introduction of the breeding methods and matters needing attention of colourful leaf grass. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.