
At present, it has entered the "three summers" busy season, and summer grain is expected to be obtained again this year.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It has entered the busy season of three summers. How is the summer grain situation? This year, the area of summer grain has increased steadily and slightly, reaching 415 million mu, an increase of more than 1 million mu over the previous year. Yield is expected to increase, experts field investigation analysis, wheat yield composition of three factors: increase in ear number per mu, ear grain

At present, it has entered the busy season of "three summers". How is the situation of summer grain? The area of summer grain this year has steadily increased slightly, reaching 415 million mu, an increase of more than 1 million mu over the previous year. According to the field investigation and analysis by experts, the per unit yield is expected to increase, and the "three factors" of wheat yield are as follows: the number of spikes per mu increases, the number of grains per spike increases slightly, the 1000-grain weight is expected to decrease slightly, and the increase of per unit yield is expected to be achieved. The trend of high yield in the main producing provinces is obvious, and the main producing provinces reflect that wheat populations are sufficient and individuals are strong, especially the growth of dryland wheat is better than that of previous years. In addition, large-scale rainfall occurred many times in the northern winter wheat region in April, which is conducive to the formation of large panicles and multiple grains.

Where does the harvest come from? On the basis of the substantial increase in summer grain production last year, it is not easy for summer grain to stabilize its output this year, and it is the result of many factors acting in the same direction.

The push for action is strong. The agricultural sector will firmly stabilize the goal of increasing grain income, unswervingly do a good job in wheat production, make arrangements as soon as possible, and pay close attention to implementation. At the same time, we should strengthen information guidance and guide farmers to arrange their planting structure and stabilize the area of summer grain.

The policy has been put in place. This year, the state will continue to implement the minimum purchase price for wheat, which will be announced as early as possible before planting in autumn and winter. The central government has allocated 1.5 billion yuan in subsidies for wheat "one spray and three prevention" to support the production of summer grain. Various localities have also actively raised funds to increase investment in summer grain production.

The role of science and technology is outstanding. We will continue to do a good job of technical guidance on important links, organize experts to formulate and issue seven technical guidance opinions at key agricultural seasons and major weather changes, and implement key technologies in different regions. We will vigorously carry out the establishment of high grain production and the green model of increasing grain production, and promote a balanced increase in grain production in a large area.

Disaster prevention and mitigation are effective. In accordance with local conditions, various localities popularize the key techniques of disaster prevention, such as deep pine soil preparation, post-sowing suppression, and pouring overwintering water. In view of the high base of diseases and insect pests in the warm winter last year, the pass was moved forward to depress the base of bacteria source. In particular, in view of the fact that there are too many Rain Water and a high risk of scab in the Jianghuai region in mid-late April, we should strengthen the monitoring of diseases and insect pests, timely carry out spray prevention operations, vigorously carry out unified prevention and control, and resolutely curb the spread of diseases and pests. We will conscientiously implement the policy of "one spray and three prevention" to effectively prevent hot and dry wind, premature senility, diseases and insect pests.

The meteorological conditions are generally favorable. The main producing areas reflect that the meteorological conditions during the growth period of summer grain this year are relatively good in recent years, and the three rains of "August, October and March" are basically in place, which is conducive to the growth and development of wheat and the formation of wheat yield.

In the cross-regional operation of agricultural machinery in the "three summers" this year, the Ministry of Agriculture asked the departments in charge of agricultural mechanization at all levels to strengthen organizational leadership and strive to achieve the two goals of "steady improvement": first, the total input of machinery and tools has increased steadily. The number of rice-wheat combine harvesters put into production in "Sanxia" reached 550000, an increase of 20, 000 over the previous year, of which more than 300000 took part in cross-district operations. Second, the operation level of agricultural machinery has risen steadily. The national machine harvest level of winter wheat exceeded 92%, of which the main producing areas of Huang-Huai-Hai stabilized at more than 96%, and the national summer corn machine sowing level reached 85%, both 1 percentage point higher than the previous year.

Summer grain is expected to have another bumper harvest this year, winning the initiative to achieve a steady increase in grain income. Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said: it is necessary to strengthen guidance and services, implement key technologies, make every effort to do a good job in the production of the "three summers," and strive to achieve a bumper harvest of summer grain while laying the foundation for a bumper harvest of autumn grain.