
The construction of rural community is not "demolition and construction".

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Rural community construction not only echoes with the development of urbanization, but also comes down in a continuous line with the construction of new countryside. Its rich connotation includes not only the co-construction and sharing of villagers' self-service, government public service and social public welfare service, but also the cooperation of production, ecology and life function.

Rural community construction not only echoes with the development of urbanization, but also comes down in a continuous line with the construction of new countryside. Its rich connotation includes not only the co-construction and sharing of villagers' self-service, government public service and social public welfare service, but also the living environment with the coordinated development of production, ecology and life functions, which can not be narrowly understood as the urban community of farmers' living form.

A few days ago, the Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Office of the State Council issued the "guidance on further promoting the pilot work of Rural Community Construction," proposing to respect the dominant status of rural residents. we should earnestly safeguard the democratic and political rights, legitimate economic interests and social life rights and interests of rural residents, so that rural residents can get more benefits from rural community construction.

The construction of rural community is beneficial to promote the intensive use of rural land and change the disadvantages of scattered layout, poor environment and weak function of traditional villages. However, in the construction of rural communities in some places, it is simply understood as withdrawing villages and living together, carrying out large-scale demolition and construction; some farmers are forced to go upstairs to live, taking the opportunity to adjust land planning, resulting in the non-agricultural conversion of some fertile land.

Rural community construction not only echoes with the development of urbanization, but also comes down in the same line with the construction of new countryside, which can not be narrowly understood as the urban community of farmers' living form. It is necessary to focus on the real needs of rural residents, rely on the original site as far as possible to make planning, avoid increasing the burden on farmers, and at the same time pay attention to the local flavor, reflect the rural characteristics, carefully cut down trees, and demolish fewer houses, and create rural communities with supporting services, industrial support, and regional characteristics.

At present, rural community construction is in the initial stage of pilot, administrative promotion can quickly solve the problem of investment in infrastructure construction. However, the construction of rural communities should pay more attention to the role of villagers' autonomy, guide farmers to take the initiative to participate, adjust measures to local conditions and carry out from the bottom up. For densely populated areas, the model of "one village, multiple communities" can be used to disperse the population and improve the efficiency of public services; for sparsely populated areas, the mode of "centralized construction of communities" can be used to gather population and save the cost of public services; on the other hand, the construction of concentrated settlements is mainly suitable for urban suburban areas. The specific mode to be adopted should depend on the actual situation and be decided by the farmers.

To promote the construction of rural communities, we should not only pay attention to the improvement of farmers' living conditions. If there is no change in the mode of production and no increase in income, the cost of improving living conditions is likely to become a burden on farmers. Community planning must fully consider whether farmers' production is convenient and whether supporting industries and jobs can be guaranteed. If only the rural community is built, but the nearest employment cannot be achieved, the community farmers will still go to the city to work, and the new community will become a new hollow village.

To promote the construction of rural communities, we also need to solve the problem of "different rights in the same village" in rural communities and promote the harmonious coexistence of rural registered population and non-registered population. In the past, people mostly emphasized the equalization of public services for the migrant population in cities and towns. Nowadays, in some rural communities in developed coastal areas, due to the high level of industrialization and per capita income, the rural migrant population has gradually increased, and even exceeded the registered permanent residence population of the village. They are in the same region and contribute to rural development, but their rights and treatment are quite different, which is not conducive to the harmony and stability of rural society. Therefore, the construction of rural communities should not only enlarge the cake of public service, but also solve the problem of public service of non-registered residents.

In a word, the connotation of rural community construction is rich, including not only the co-construction and sharing of villagers' self-service, government public service and social public welfare service, but also the living environment with the coordinated development of production, ecology and life functions. Only in this way can rural community construction become a link between new rural construction and urbanization development, so that farmers can get more benefits from it.