
Let science and technology become the source of food security

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Agriculture is the foundation of the country, grain is the foundation of agriculture, grain is the way of survival and development, and one meter and one meal is related to the safety of the country and the happiness of the people. In the face of the new situation of the development of agricultural production in China, only by allowing science and technology to become the source of food security can we control grain.

Agriculture is the foundation of the country, grain is the foundation of agriculture, "grain" is the way of survival and development, and one meter of rice is related to the safety of the country and the happiness of the people. In the face of the new situation of the development of agricultural production in China, only by allowing science and technology to become the "driving force" of food security can we control the "lifeline" of food security and keep the "red line" of food security. (people's Daily online, November 22)

The series of articles "Xi Jinping and the 14th Strategy of the 13th five-year Plan" clearly put forward the "strategy of storing grain in the land and technology", changing our country's long-standing habit of storing grain in warehouses, storing grain in the people, and making up for apologies with abundance, adhering to the red line of cultivated land, and relying on science and technology to increase income. to ensure basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute safety of food rations. This is a major strategic decision made by comprehensively considering the pattern of grain supply and demand in the future and the carrying capacity of agricultural resources and environment.

"the country is people-oriented and food is the most important thing for the people". Food security is an important part of national security. Grain is not a simple commodity, it is the basis of price stability, market stability and social harmony and stability. As a large country with a population of 1.3 billion, ensuring food security has always been a long-term and fundamental issue. How to ensure food security? General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that food security has always been a major problem of "Tianzi No.1." the way out for food security lies in science and technology, which is an important support for agricultural modernization, and scientization is the basic feature of modern agriculture. grain production should extensively benefit from the application of agricultural science and technology, and the need to hide grain in technology all reflects the degree to which the General Secretary attaches importance to the issue of food security.

In the long run and fundamentally speaking, science and technology is the fundamental way to solve the food problem. Throughout the history of agricultural development, science and technology has always been the main power source of agricultural and rural development. From traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, every stage of development is driven by science and technology and marked by technological change; breakthroughs and widespread use of agricultural machinery, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, irrigation, improved varieties and other technologies have led to a substantial increase in agricultural productivity around the world.

"storing grain in technology" is the inevitable choice of grain production. The General Secretary stressed that the key to agricultural modernization lies in scientific and technological progress, and it is necessary to insert the wings of science and technology into agriculture and speed up the construction of a technological system that meets the requirements of the development of high-yield, high-quality, efficient, ecological, and safe agriculture. How to make science and technology become the "source power" of food security? According to the author's opinion, first, it is necessary to constantly explore new innovative management models of grain high-yield science and technology projects. We will continue to strengthen the linkage mechanism, strengthen close ties between relevant departments, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all levels of demonstration, so as to form a joint force to promote high grain yield. Second, it is necessary to seek new ideas and ways of grain production, and earnestly carry out integrated innovation and demonstration of key technologies. It is necessary to take increasing production capacity, changing the mode of development, and increasing industrial efficiency as the core, research and develop grain science and technology, maintain the balance between grain supply and demand by means of science and technology, and persist in applying, reserving, and developing one generation after another. always maintain the continuity of science and technology. Third, we must adhere to the road of sustainable development of scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to regard sustainable development as the destination of agricultural scientific and technological innovation, adhere to the sustainable utilization of resources, maximize the potential of existing resources and technologies, and coordinate the relationship between the development of grain production and the protection of resources. establish a support and guarantee system for sustainable development, study a series of sustainable development technologies, let the light of science and technology illuminate sustainable grain production and light up a well-off society in an all-round way To provide a stronger driving force for the realization of the "two centenary years".