
The latest vernalization treatment method of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, For vernalization treatment of Cymbidium, first of all, temperature control measures should be taken. Before it blossoms, it should be kept at a room temperature of about 5-10 ℃. During this period, watering should be reduced, it is best to keep the soil slightly dry, and fertilizer should be stopped. After vernalization.

For vernalization treatment of Cymbidium, first of all, temperature control measures should be taken. Before it blossoms, it should be kept at a room temperature of about 5-10 ℃. During this period, watering should be reduced, it is best to keep the soil slightly dry, and fertilizer should be stopped. After vernalization of the gentleman orchid, the flowers will be more and brighter, and the ornamental value will be higher.

How to deal with vernalization of Cymbidium

1. Temperature control measures

Gentleman orchid vernalization treatment, we first need to do a good temperature control measures, before its arrows blossom, put it in the room temperature of about 5-10 ℃ environment, so that it can enter the dormancy period, during this period, its growth will be relatively slow, nutrients will be concentrated, and then control the temperature at about 15 ℃, it can complete vernalization.

2. Less water and fertilizer control

Gentleman orchid in vernalization treatment, but also need to reduce watering, it is best to let the soil in a slightly dry state, otherwise it is easy to rot roots. In the process of vernalization, its demand for fertilizer is low, so it is necessary to stop fertilization to avoid excess nutrients, otherwise it is easy to cause fertilizer damage to the plant.

3. Vernalization

After vernalization, the nutrients of the plant will accumulate on the flower buds, so that when it blossoms, its flowers will be more and brighter, and its ornamental value will be higher. If it does not go through vernalization, its nutrients will be insufficient, so that its flowers and arrows can be difficult to pull out, and it is easy to clip arrows.