
What kind of soil should be used to cultivate the latest rose flowers?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, To cultivate rose, it is best to use slightly acidic loam which is loose and fertile, rich in organic matter and good drainage. We can mix garden soil, rotten leaf soil and rice chaff ash according to a certain proportion, and change and loosen soil regularly in the process of maintenance. be careful not to use alkaline soil

Rose cultivation, with loose fertile, rich in organic matter and good drainage of slightly acidic loam is the best, we can use garden soil, rotten leaf soil and chaff ash according to a certain proportion of mixed preparation, maintenance process to regularly change soil and loose soil, pay attention not to use alkaline soil or too sticky soil, otherwise it will affect the growth of plants.

What kind of soil is good for cultivating roses

1. Soil requirements

Rose for soil requirements are not very high, but the most suitable for loose fertile, rich in organic matter and good drainage of slightly acidic loam to cultivate, we can use garden soil, moldy soil and chaff ash in accordance with the ratio of 5:3:2 mixed preparation, in the cultivation of the best to apply appropriate amount of base fertilizer to the soil.

2. Regularly change soil

In the process of maintaining rose flowers, it is also necessary to change the soil regularly. Generally, it is best to change it once before the germination and growth of new buds every spring, so as to avoid the phenomenon that the soil is too hardened and conducive to the vigorous growth of plants. If the soil is not changed for a long time, the rose flowers will grow badly.

3. Regularly loosen soil

When breeding roses, it is also necessary to loosen the soil regularly. For example, when watering it, it is best to knock the pot soil loose first, and then slowly irrigate the water into the soil. This can quickly irrigate the soil thoroughly, which is conducive to the rapid absorption of water by the roots of the plants, and can avoid ponding in the soil.

4. Precautions

Pay attention to the cultivation of roses, must not use alkaline soil or too heavy soil, otherwise after planting, its roots can not breathe, and can not grow well and absorb nutrients, long-term in this soil environment, rose growth will appear problems, serious will wither and die.