
How to raise the stump of the latest Populus tomentosa

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yellow poplar likes light, because proper light can better promote photosynthesis; yellow poplar likes water, because its root system is not developed enough, it is relatively difficult to absorb water, and it needs external water supply to ensure water supply; yellow poplar is cold-resistant, because most of the wild plants grow at high elevations.

Yellow poplar likes light, because proper light can better promote photosynthesis; yellow poplar likes water, because its root system is not developed enough, so it is relatively difficult to absorb water, so it needs external water supply to ensure water supply; yellow poplar is cold-resistant, because most wild plants grow at high elevations; yellow poplar is afraid of the wind because water transpiration is very fast under the action of the wind.

According to the above growth factors, it is not difficult to find that in order to make the yellow poplar downhill pile survive quickly, it is necessary to grasp the above habits. Only when the maintenance is carried out in accordance with the life habits of the period, can the downhill pile survive smoothly and ensure its normal growth. Therefore, for the cultivation of yellow poplar downhill pile, it should be prevented from being maintained in places that can receive sunlight but need shelter from the wind, and water replenishment work should be done at ordinary times.

However, replenishing water to Huangyang downhill pile is also a skill, and the way of replenishing water needs to be carried out through the combination of spraying and watering, so as to avoid pouring water into the basin. Because the root system of Populus tomentosa is not developed enough to transport a large amount of water to all parts of branches and leaves through the root system, so we can make water supplement more scientific and reasonable by spraying water to the pile scene frequently and then using the method of proper watering.

For the replenishment of poplar pile scene, it is suggested that the foliar water should be sprayed flat and properly watered at the same time, so that the water can be supplied from the branches, leaves and roots at the same time, so that the plant can better meet the water demand. It is recommended to spray foliar water several times a day, in this way, there is no need to worry about water damage to the plant, and until the new buds sprout and reach more than 2-3 cm in a year and a half, the frequency of water spraying can be reduced appropriately in the later stage.

In addition to watering, fertilization is also an important measure to promote plant growth, but the use of natural fertilizers is not recommended because it is inconvenient to ferment and store, and the content of nutrient elements in the fertilizer is uneven. Therefore, it is suggested that urea and potash fertilizer should be used to spray water evenly.

The vigorous growth period of Populus tomentosa is from the beginning of Grain Rain to the height of summer. in order to promote plant germination, urea liquid fertilizer should be used as the main fertilizer and potash fertilizer as auxiliary fertilizer in topdressing. After summer, the newly germinated leaves of Populus tomentosa need to be semi-lignified in order to pass the winter smoothly, so it should be mainly potash fertilizer and supplemented by urea liquid fertilizer. If thin liquid fertilizer is sprayed about every two weeks, it is appropriate to apply thin fertilizer frequently.

For the pruning of boxwood stumps, you can prune and shape according to your own creative ideas. First of all, the old, weak, sick and disabled branches, slender branches and branches that are not conducive to modeling need to be cut off. Then, just like a barber, you need to pull the branches and leaves into a handful, then cut off the tip of the branches and leaves about 2-3 centimeters, and make the crown into a ball.

For those branches and leaves that do not grow in place, you can climb and hang them with wire, and then use wooden sticks to support them. However, due to the thin skin and crisp branches of boxwood, the branches that can not be put in place in one step need to be stretched many times so as not to hurt the branches. In the process of climbing and pulling branches, it is recommended to stick a soaked cotton cloth under the wire so as not to hurt the branches.

Populus tomentosa can be pruned twice a year, and it should be carried out in June and August. In addition, after several times of forced budding, the tree stump will change from the vigorous growth period to the stable growth period after about 5 years. At this time, it can be found that the branches and leaves on the stump have been more luxuriant, and have grown into many old branches. In this case, we need to carve the stump to complete the bonsai creation. With the passage of time, the cut on the stump will gradually weathered naturally and form old branches.

The basin can be changed after seven years of downhill pile planting, because the first three years are basically the rearing period of Populus tomentosa. During this period, the stump is dead or alive, and the smooth passage of the first 3 years represents the smooth survival of the stump, while the next 4 years is basically a prosperous period of stump growth, during which as long as the stump is properly maintained and fertilized reasonably, the stump will grow luxuriantly and lay a good foundation for later modeling.