
What pots are used for the latest potted figs?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Many potted friends like to grow figs in potted plants, but as potted plants, we don't want the fig tree to grow into a towering tree, otherwise the flowerpot can't hold its roots. As a potted plant, flowerpots are required not only to hold plants, but also to plant plants.

Many pot friends like to plant figs in their homes, but as potted plants, we don't want figs to grow into towering trees, otherwise the pot can't accommodate its roots. Since it is a potted plant, it is not only required that the flowerpot can accommodate the plant, but also needs to be coordinated with the plant, so we need to control the height of the plant shape and try to make the plant sprout more branches.

There are two main elements to build a pot environment for figs: one is the choice of pots, and the other is the preparation of pots. These two factors are the two key factors that affect and restrict the normal growth of fig plants in pot environment. If we mix them properly, figs will naturally flourish in this pot environment, but not vice versa.

Fig roots are very developed, plant growth is also very rapid, it is easy to grow luxuriant foliage. Strong roots can not only improve the ability to absorb and supply, improve the efficiency of nutrient absorption and transport, but also occupy a lot of space in the pot. Therefore, we must choose a large enough pot to grow figs in potted plants.

As for the size of the flowerpot, the larger the pot, the better. For home plants, 3-gallon pots are usually enough. If you can prepare 5-gallon pots, it is already very good. If you can prepare 7-gallon pots, it is quite luxurious. But for fig seedlings, using too large a pot can be wasteful and not necessarily conducive to plant growth.

Therefore, we can consider preparing a slightly smaller pot for figs during the seedling period, and then consider changing pots as appropriate as the plants grow. After all, fig roots are particularly developed, regular pot change is often very significant for plant growth or flowering. So, we need to take the fig pot seriously.

However, in addition to the size of the flowerpot, the material of the potted fig flowerpot also has certain requirements. It is usually not recommended to use porcelain pots. After all, the permeability of porcelain pots is too poor. It is not breathable and impermeable. Excessive watering can easily cause water accumulation in the pots and cause damage to the roots. If you don't pay much attention to the shape of the pot, it is recommended to use the dung bucket to plant the pot. After all, the material of the dung bucket is mostly wood, which has strong air permeability and water permeability, which is very suitable for the growth of figs.