
What if the latest crab claw orchid loses its leaves?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There must be a reason for the loss of the leaves of the crab claw orchid. The temperature rises and falls so that the plant can not adapt to the change of temperature, the soil becomes barren and dry can not guarantee the continued growth of the plant, and it is possible to water too much or forget to water. Fertilizer damage caused by improper fertilization may occur.

There must be a reason for the loss of the leaves of the crab claw orchid, the temperature ups and downs lead to the plant can not adapt to the temperature change, the soil becomes barren, dry knot can not guarantee the continued growth of the plant, too much watering or forget to water, fertilizer damage caused by improper fertilization may lead to the phenomenon of falling crab claw orchid leaves.

1. Control temperature

Crab claw orchid likes the warm environment, the temperature is too high or too low is not conducive to plant growth, the temperature should be kept in a relatively stable state, when the summer temperature is too high, spray water spray to cool down, to ensure that the temperature is not more than 30 degrees. Move to a warm room in time in winter, control the temperature not lower than 10 degrees, and avoid low temperature freezing damage.

II. Change the soil

Pot culture of crab claw orchid needs to change the soil for about 1-2 years. Long-term failure to change soil will lead to soil hardening, lack of nutrition, unable to meet the continued growth of plants, and leaves will fall off. Need to regularly replace the new soil re-maintenance, when changing the soil properly cut off the old, weak, sick and disabled roots, and disinfect the treatment.

Third, rational watering

The growth of crab claw orchid needs to be watered regularly to ensure the moisture needed for plant growth, but watering must not cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to rot roots and cause leaves to fall, so we should immediately stop watering and loosen the soil. and moved to a ventilated position to accelerate excess water evaporation and restore normal soil moisture.

IV. Stop applying fertilizer

Breeding crab claw orchid needs appropriate fertilizer to supplement the nutrition needed for growth, but fertilization should pay attention to the frequent application of thin fertilizer and avoid the use of raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to burn and plant roots and cause leaves to fall. Should stop fertilizing, and wash with clean water, dilute the excess fertilizer, and then pay attention to reasonable fertilization.