
How to fertilize the latest big paulownia seedlings

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The appropriate time should be chosen to fertilize the big and small seedlings of paulownia. After the seedlings sprouted, topdressing every 10 days. Fertilization is not allowed in cloudy and rainy days and needs to be operated on sunny days. The main fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is diluted before use.

The right time should be chosen to fertilize the seedlings of pittosporum davidii. After germination, topdressing is applied every 10 days. Cloudy and rainy environment is not able to fertilize, need to operate in sunny days. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is the main fertilizer. Dilute the fertilizer concentration before use. Do not splash the fertilizer solution on the seedlings.

How to apply fertilizer to the seedlings of Dashantong

1. Fertilization after germination

It is not recommended to apply fertilizer nutrition to the newly planted pittosporum seedlings in the soil. It is best to wait until they germinate before topdressing. The fertilizer is mainly composed of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements, which supplement the development elements for the young seedlings of pittosporum davidii. The fertilizer is applied once every 10 days to ensure sufficient fertility. However, before topdressing, the fertility concentration needs to be diluted before use.

2. Topdressing in sunny days

The seedlings of globetree are more likely to appear stiff or dead seedlings due to improper fertilization. Fertilization time should be operated in a sunny, ventilated environment as far as possible. If it is cloudy or rainy continuously, fertilizer should not be applied to the seedlings of pittosporum globosum to avoid fertilizer damage in the soil.

3, fertilization taboo

No matter what kind of elemental fertilizer is applied, it should be diluted with water before use, which is safer. In addition, during the use of fertilizer solution, do not directly irrigate the seedlings, or splash the fertilizer solution on the seedlings, otherwise it will cause the seedlings to be decomposed and burned, yellow, withered and withered.