
What if the leaves of the latest pearl plum bonsai turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When the bud is not blooming, the pearl plum is shaped like a pearl, and one by one is as full as pearl granules. After blooming, the white and small flowers are as bright as snow, and the petals and stamens are like plum blossoms. The pearl plum is shaped like a pearl and the god is like a snow plum. Unripe

Pearl plum in the bud before blooming shape like pearls, one by one full as pearl particles, blooming, white and small flowers like snow, because the bud white as beads, petals and stamens like plum blossom and named pearl plum. Pearl plum is shaped like pearl and looks like Xuemei. The growth is luxuriant, the plant clump is plump, the branches and leaves are delicate, the green leaves are white, expensive in the lack of flowers in the summer open elegant white flowers and the flowering period is very long. in particular to kill or inhibit various harmful bacteria, and is suitable for bee planted in various garden greenbelt.

Pearl plum, also known as pearl spiraea, rose family spiraea, deciduous shrubs, luxuriant foliage, umbels, small white flowers dense, like snow. Florescence 4~5 months, suitable for group planting, group planting, piece planting, family potted ornamental flowers when the pretty beauty is more refreshing. Pearl plum leaves yellow, leaf tip withered what is the reason?

1, usually watering too wet caused by root rot, too wet water easy to cause yellow leaves die, watering to see the pot soil dry watering, wet can not water, do dry watering beneficial to the growth of new branches and new leaves.

2, indoor humidity is too low is also easy to cause the new leaves yellow hair dry, especially in winter air-conditioned room or heating room humidity is low, can put a few pots of water around it can increase humidity or interval open doors and windows to reduce room temperature increase indoor air circulation can increase indoor humidity, reduce due to low humidity caused by the new leaves yellow dry symptoms.

3, deficiency such as iron deficiency when the new leaves will also appear chlorosis, yellow leaves dry, can be buried to the edge of the pot according to the amount of compound fertilizer and mineral additives, supplement the lack of nutrients in the pot to reduce the symptoms of yellow and death caused by nutrients.

The potted pearl plum bought from the market is very good because it has low requirements for soil, so it only needs to do the following three things:

1, spring drought should be watered in time, summer and autumn drought, watering should be thorough, in order to keep the soil from drought; winter before the need to irrigate 1 antifreeze water.

2. The requirements for fertilization are not high. When transplanting, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer to meet its growth requirements. Generally, topdressing is no longer applied. Later, combined with winter management, base fertilizer can be applied once every 1-2 years.

3. After flowering, the residual flowering branches, diseased branches and old and weak branches should be pruned in time to keep the plant type neat, avoid nutrient consumption, and promote its growth and health.

Notes on the cultivation of pearl plum:

1. Pearl plum has strong adaptability and low requirements for fertilizer. In addition to applying a small amount of base fertilizer to newly planted plants, it does not need to rotate fertilizer in the future, but it needs watering. Generally, it is watered 2 -3 times during the period from leaf bud germination to flowering, and watered 2 - 3 times from autumn to frost.

2. Spraying flower strengthening spirit at bud stage promotes bud strength, petal hypertrophy, gorgeous flower color and rich flower fragrance.