
The reason why the latest cockscomb does not bloom

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cockscomb flower, also known as big rooster male flower, small head chicken crown, Phoenix tail chicken crown, is an annual herb. Unlike most flowers, it does not choose to bloom in the spring, but in summer and autumn. The color of its flowers

Cockscomb flower is also called big cockscomb flower, small cockscomb, phoenix tail cockscomb, is an annual herb. It is different from most flowers. Its flowering period does not choose spring when flowers are blooming, but it chooses to bloom in summer and autumn. It has a large number of flower colors, more common red, purple, orange yellow, and its unique flower shape, inflorescences into spikes, shaped if the comb, has a high appreciation value.

Although cockscomb flowers are not easy to maintain, especially for some flower friends who have little experience in planting, it is more difficult. They often maintain it for many years without seeing it bloom, and they are particularly puzzled. To be honest, after carefully maintaining the cockscomb flower for many years, it still did not bloom. Logically speaking, it should not. Even a weed growing on the river should have bloomed several times over the years.

So why doesn't the cockscomb flower? What's wrong with it? Below I would like to tell you about the three main reasons why cockscomb flowers do not bloom, and the corresponding solutions, as well as two matters that need to be paid attention to during the maintenance of cockscomb flowers, hoping to help flower friends.

There are three main reasons why cockscomb flowers do not bloom:

1. Insufficient light

Celosia cristata is a kind of flower that likes sun and fears strong light. During its growth period, it needs to be fully exposed to sunlight to meet its light requirements, so that it can produce more nutrients for plants to use, and its flower buds can be better differentiated to breed more buds. When these conditions are met, it can bloom beautiful flowers.

If it is left in a dark environment for a long time, it will not be able to carry out photosynthesis better, it will not produce more nutrients for the plant to use, its flower buds will not be able to differentiate, flower buds are more difficult to grow, in this case want to let it bloom is basically impossible.

It should be noted that although cockscomb flowers like sun, they avoid strong light. Too strong light will sunburn their leaves, accelerate the evaporation of water from the leaves, make the leaves yellow and withered, and their buds will slowly fall off due to strong light irradiation, resulting in fewer or no flowering.

Solution: In winter, spring and autumn, let the cockscomb flower be in the sun all day, receive direct sunlight, and meet its light needs. After entering the summer, do not put it in the sun for exposure, you can put it in a sufficient astigmatism environment maintenance. You can also avoid the high temperature period, let it see the sun in the morning before the sun and when the sun is about to set in the afternoon, and put it in a cool and ventilated place for the rest of the time.

2. Too much water is poured

Celosia cristata is a kind of plant which is afraid of waterlogging. In its growth process, it needs to apply water scientifically and reasonably according to its growth needs to meet its growth needs. If blindly and heavily applied water causes the soil to be in an excessively wet state for a long time, or even accumulated water, the respiration of its roots will be hindered for a long time, and its roots will slowly rot, affecting the normal function of the roots, so that the roots cannot absorb and transport water and nutrients for the plants to use, while the plants will gradually wither, the leaves will wither and fall off, and there will be insufficient energy to breed buds and bloom.


1, in the growth period of cockscomb flowers, you can increase the frequency of watering appropriately to meet its growth needs, about every three days or so watering, so that the soil is in a wet state.

2, summer and autumn are the flowering period of cockscomb, in order to ensure the flowering quality of the plant, extend its flowering time, at this time can increase the amount and frequency of watering, to meet its water needs, it is best to water a day, so that the flowers of the plant can be colorful.

After entering winter, the temperature is relatively low, and the demand for water of cockscomb will be greatly reduced. Basically, a little water can be poured every other week to meet its growth needs.

III. Insufficient nutrients

Whether it is cockscomb or other flower plants, if you want them to bloom beautiful flowers, you need to apply fertilizer to them in time, so that the roots can absorb sufficient nutrients. Only in this way can the plants grow strong and have more energy to bloom.

If it does not meet its nutritional needs, let the plant in a long-term "hunger" state, its growth will become worse and worse, the stem will become particularly thin, the color of the leaves will become lighter and lighter, in this case it is impossible to open beautiful flowers.

Solution: Before planting cockscomb, do a good job of basal fertilizer, so that the plant can absorb sufficient nutrients from the soil for its growth. During the period of vigorous growth, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied once every ten days or so. After the flower buds are formed, the frequency of fertilization should be appropriately increased. Liquid fertilizer can be applied once a week, which can better promote the differentiation of flower buds and improve the quality of flowering. After the seeds are formed, reduce the number of fertilizers to allow the seeds to mature better.

If you want more and more beautiful flowers from cockscomb, in addition to doing the above three aspects, you need to pay attention to the following two points:

1, do a good job of temperature management

Celosia is a warm-loving plant, and its optimal growth temperature is around 25 degrees. Too high a temperature will "damage" the roots of the plant, and at the same time accelerate the evaporation of water from the leaves, so that the leaves do not get enough water supply, and gradually become yellow and withered. Low temperatures can affect plant growth and even freeze plants, causing them to wither.

Therefore, good temperature management is very important for the growth of cockscomb flower. In the hot summer, some measures can be taken to shade and cool cockscomb flower. Spray some water around the plant with spray bottle every morning and evening to reduce the temperature of the surrounding environment. After entering the cold winter, it is necessary to move the cockscomb flowers indoors in time, and take measures to keep them warm, and try to control the temperature above 20 degrees.

2. Choose the right soil for planting

The requirements of cockscomb flower on soil are not very strict, but in order to make it grow better and make its roots grow more developed, it is best to choose sandy soil with loose and fertile soil and good drainage and ventilation to plant. This kind of soil can better meet its growth habits, and it is not easy to harden and harden, which is very conducive to the growth of cockscomb flower.

Crested flower maintenance for many years or not flowering, in fact, is caused by improper maintenance methods, as long as in the lighting, watering, fertilization these three aspects to strengthen management, can let crested flower bloom early. If you want more and more beautiful flowers, you need to manage the temperature well and choose the right soil to plant them. Only by doing all kinds of work well can you make the plants grow vigorously and bloom brightly.