
Is the latest Platycodon grandiflorum pot easy to raise?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Platycodon grandiflorum is a very beautiful flowering plant, and the flower color is also very rich, mostly used for potted plants or the production of cut flowers. Platycodon grandiflorum not only blossoms beautifully, but also has a long flowering period. Maybe some friends are not very familiar with this kind of flower, but as long as you can understand and

Platycodon grandiflorum is a very beautiful flowering plant, and the flower color is also very rich, mostly used for potted plants or the production of cut flowers. Platycodon grandiflorum not only blossoms beautifully, but also has a long flowering period. Perhaps some friends are not very familiar with this kind of flower, but as long as everyone can understand and know it, they will often fall in love with it.

The propagation mode of Platycodon grandiflorum is also relatively flexible, which can be propagated by cutting and sowing, and it is relatively easy to obtain potted seedlings. Usually we only need to reproduce once to make it blossom for many years, so it is also a perennial flowering plant.

In fact, Platycodon grandiflorum, a flower plant, is easy to raise even if it grows in a potted environment. Generally speaking, we only need to focus on the maintenance and management of the following aspects to make them bloom brilliantly year after year.

I. temperature

In order to make Platycodon grandiflorum blossom more and more beautiful, temperature protection is very important. Its most suitable growth temperature is between 15 °c and 28 °c, and it is also relatively cold-resistant and can basically withstand the low temperature of 0 °C. But if the ambient temperature is lower than-12 °C, it is easy to freeze.

Second, watering

The second key link of raising potted Platycodon grandiflorum flowers is watering, because it likes the moist growth environment, so the pot soil needs to be watered in time after drying. However, it is necessary to control the amount of water and frequency to avoid causing stagnant water in the basin and causing rotten roots. Usually replenish water according to dry and thoroughly poured water.

III. Fertilization

Due to the colorful flowering of Platycodon grandiflorum and the great demand for nutrients, timely supplement of nutrients is also very important for its growth and flowering. Because it is more fond of fertilizer, it is necessary to ensure adequate nutrients in the basin before and after the basin, and some bone powder and organic fertilizer can be added to the basin as base fertilizer. Some liquid fertilizer can be applied in the growing season and can be poured once every 10-15 days.

But if we want to raise Platycodon grandiflorum well, in addition to focusing on the above three aspects of management, there are still some details that we need to do well. The main thing is to avoid high temperature and strong light after bud formation, otherwise the plant is vulnerable to disease. As long as we can do a good job in these aspects of management, you will find that potted Platycodon grandiflorum is actually very easy to raise.