
The strange phenomenon of poverty alleviation: the government invests a lot of money and farmers lose more and more.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In a certain place in the western region, in order to help people get rid of poverty, there was a fever of raising rabbits, and the government integrated all kinds of funds to support it. During the peak period, the stock of rabbits was close to 400000, but the market situation changed rapidly. In a short period of five years, the scale of the industry has shrunk to less than 70, 000. A lot of culture

In a certain place in the western region, in order to help people get rid of poverty, there was a fever of raising rabbits, and the government integrated all kinds of funds to support it. During the peak period, the stock of rabbits was close to 400000, but the market situation changed rapidly. In a short period of five years, the scale of the industry has shrunk to less than 70, 000. Many farmers have lost all their money and have not been able to recover for many years.

Why did the project of enriching the people that the government invested a lot of money to help the masses become a "harmful industry"? Local cadres reflect that industrial cultivation only attaches importance to production links, and there is a serious "absence" in the construction of industrial chains such as deep processing of products, marketing, and early warning of market information. as a result, the more input, the greater the output, the higher the risk. Instead of increasing their income, the peasants are affected by it.

Coincidentally, a national key county for poverty alleviation and development has tasted a similar bitter fruit. Farmers in the county were encouraged to grow Coptis chinensis, with a planting area of nearly 40,000 mu at its peak and an annual output of more than 10,000 tons. Although the industry has a large scale, due to the lack of intensive processing and brand building, Coptis chinensis raw materials have been acquired and sold by non-local enterprises. Coupled with the drastic price fluctuations of Coptis chinensis in recent years, poor farmers have not benefited much.

"Industrial poverty alleviation is an important starting point for farmers to become rich and well-off, and it may be counterproductive if they fail to integrate resources, plan scientifically, build a competitive industrial chain and launch blindly." Local agricultural cadres said.

"'there was a rush in the first year, but it broke up in the coming year.' the government invested a lot of money, but there was no effect." When the reporter was stationed in a poor village, the village branch secretary said: in the past 10 years or so, county and township cadres have come to plan industrial development and have successively engaged in no less than seven industries, such as kiwifruit, citrus, alpine vegetables, and hairy pigs. Farmers are afraid.

"Peasants have to do it even if they don't want to."

One of the important reasons why the rich peasant project has become a "harmful industry" is that the government is used to being executive-led and neglects the will of the masses and the role of the market. For example, in the "poverty alleviation of the whole village", it is mandatory that 70% of the funds must be spent on industrial development and the remaining 30% on infrastructure construction. The reporter found that when the government asked for most of the money to be spent on the industry, it thought that the rural infrastructure had been greatly improved and the farmers had not yet become rich, because the industry had not kept up.

"this kind of rigid fund-sharing requirement seems to be correct, but it is actually out of touch with the earth." Some grass-roots cadres said that in some poor areas, roads, water conservancy and other infrastructure are still the key reasons for restricting regional development and increasing farmers' income. Without infrastructure, there is no industrial development.

At the same time, many farmers are also unwilling to engage in industry for three reasons: first, judging from the past industrial development, the effect is not very good, and farmers do not see any hope of getting rich; second, the knowledge level and quality of farmers in poor villages do not meet the requirements of industrial development; third, most of the poor areas are located in remote areas with a large population outflow, and industrial development is very difficult because of lack of labor, talents and funds.

"it looks beautiful to set up an industry, but in fact, it is very difficult. At present, the rural areas are the '386199 troops', the land is' chicken nests, slapping the fields', and the finance is not yet matched. The poor village has high mountains and steep slopes, the land is barren, the village is empty, and six or seven families have left. " A grass-roots cadre said that the government requires that most of the money must be engaged in industry, and everyone is out of their minds and doesn't know what to do. In the end, the industry has not been developed and the infrastructure has not been improved.

Some cadres said that because higher departments have rigidly delineated the flow of aid-the-poor funds, "they can only go east, not west, and farmers have to do it even if they don't want to, and some have become superficial."

"saplings to households, seeds to households" means accurate poverty alleviation?

In the traditional way of poverty alleviation, although resources go to poor towns and villages, the people who get these resources may not be the families who need help most in the end, and it is easy to give rise to the problem of "helping the strong, difficult to help the weak, helping the rich and not helping the poor." accurate poverty alleviation from people to households has been put on the agenda. However, in some places, poverty alleviation is said to have new ideas, the method is still the old way, poverty alleviation resources seem to reach the head, but the effect is not good, it is still "fake."

The reporter interviewed at the grass-roots level and learned such a story: a poor village implemented an industry-to-household measure, giving "one seedling and one son" (walnut seedlings and vegetable seeds) to poor households free of charge, and the village printed planting technical guidance to allow farmers to develop their industries. Farmers do not buy this kind of poverty alleviation at home, and "one seedling and one son" are taken home and mostly thrown aside. A 74-year-old farmer said that he suffers from high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, and he will get tired without swinging his hoe twice. How can he have the strength to engage in the characteristic agriculture arranged above!

Poverty alleviation "helping the strong is difficult to help the weak" has been criticized by the poor people, and some places have gone to the other extreme: poverty alleviation funds are used to take care of emotions and shared equally. A poor village in the "whole village out of poverty", planning 500 mu of konjac, an one-time subsidy of 200 yuan per mu. Because of the subsidy for growing konjac, the scale did go up that year. However, after the poverty cap is taken off in the village, the aid for poverty alleviation is gone, and the enthusiasm of farmers is gone, and now the planting area of konjac is less than 100 mu.

The cadres of this village later reflected: "grassroots work, pay attention to a bowl of water is flat, equal sharing seems fair, but the effect of poverty alleviation is reduced." The per capita land of farmers is only more than 1 mu, and the subsidy is sprinkled on each person like pepper noodles. Everyone wants it, but there is no real enthusiasm, and it won't work in the long run. " (half-monthly reporter Li Song)

Extended reading:

Observation on accurate Poverty Alleviation in Dashi Mountain area of Guangxi

When attending the deliberations of the Guangxi delegation to the two sessions this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: it is necessary to pay close attention to poverty alleviation, adhere to accurate poverty alleviation, invert the construction schedule, calculate detailed accounts, and never allow a minority nationality or a region to be left behind.

By the end of last year, there were still more than 5.3 million poor people in Guangxi. At present, there are only five years to go before building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and time is tight and tasks are heavy. How to renew concepts, change models, and achieve leapfrog development in poor areas, especially in the "hard" areas of poverty alleviation and development, is a major test for party committees and governments at all levels. Half-monthly reporters recently went to Guangxi rocky desertification concentrated areas of poverty-stricken areas to investigate and explore ways and methods to get rid of poverty among grass-roots cadres and masses.

The key to poverty alleviation lies in cultivating the ability of "hematopoiesis"

At present, the remaining "hard bones" of poverty alleviation are concentrated in areas with poor living conditions, and it is difficult for one side of soil and water to feed the other. At present, working is still the main source of income for local poor farmers.

The reporter interviewed several poor natural villages in the three key counties of poverty alleviation and development in Dahua, Huanjiang, and Tian in Guangxi and learned that more than half of the villagers in each village go out to work all the year round, and these villagers support their parents and children by working, and many farmers have built buildings.

Ou Jianzheng, a Zhuang villager from Keai Village, Daan Township, Huanjiang County, works in Guangdong all the year round. He said that it is very difficult for the children of migrant workers to enter local public schools, and all kinds of fees for admission to private schools are too high, which costs more than 5200 yuan a semester. Last year, he transferred his children back to the public school in Huanjiang County, with no tuition fees, more than 70 yuan for books and 300 yuan for breakfast for a semester.

Ban Gaoyin, a villager from Nongfa Village, Guhe Township, Dahua County, also works in the Guangdong cable industry, and only goes home to visit his relatives during the Spring Festival. He told reporters that he really wanted to bring his children to live and study in Guangdong, but the cost was too high to afford.

Grass-roots cadres in Dashi Mountain area of Guangxi said that working is the most effective way for local farmers to get rid of poverty, and they hope that the party committee and government with grounded labor services will provide them with more help in their work, life and their children's schooling, so that they can work at ease.

All parts of Guangxi have been holding various forms of training courses for migrant workers to improve the employability of migrant workers. However, some migrant workers report that some training is not practical and a waste of time. They suggest that on the one hand, the local government should find out the employment training needs of migrant workers, and on the other hand, it can learn from the successful practices of other places and carry out targeted training around some new employment channels and methods.

At the same time, some cadres in Dashi Mountain area said that the party committees and governments in poor areas should support and guide more labor-intensive industries to settle down and take root in this county. Huang Rongbiao, secretary of the Huanjiang County CPC Committee, said that Huanjiang was listed as a world natural heritage site last year, and this year, the county party committee and county government will vigorously promote poverty alleviation through tourism and encourage more poor farmers to join the tourism industry and become rich.

In addition to helping farmers realize their dream of "returning to their hometown for employment" and "employment on their doorstep", local farmers are also promoted to realize their "entrepreneurial dream".

When the reporter went from village to house in Dashishan District of Guangxi, from time to time, one or more beautiful buildings could be seen in some poor villages. All these were built by farmers who went out to start their own businesses and became rich in the village. Under the background of the national implementation of the strategy of "mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation", making poor farmers rich through entrepreneurship should also become an important measure to help the poor.

At present, measures are being taken to encourage poor farmers to start their own businesses in Dashishan District, Guangxi. In Tiandeng County, a large number of farmers go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities to open Guilin rice noodle shops and embark on the road to a well-off society. This year, the county party committee and the county government plan to train poor farmers to open rice noodle shops in Guilin so that they can go to all parts of the country to start their own businesses and become rich.