
The latest maintenance method of mosquito mother bonsai

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are many kinds of mosquito mother, the ones commonly used in bonsai are bayberry leaf mosquito mother, the leaves are thin leathery, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, the top is acute, and the upper part of the edge has a few denticulate teeth; Chinese mosquito mother, the leaf is thick, oval or Obovate, 3 cm to 7 cm long

There are many kinds of mosquito mother, the ones commonly used in bonsai are bayberry leaf mosquito mother, the leaves are thin leathery, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, the top is acute, and the upper part of the edge has a few denticulate teeth; Chinese mosquito mother, the leaf is thick, oval or Obovate, 3 cm to 7 cm long and 1.5 cm to 3 cm wide. Chinese fine leaf mosquito mother, its leaves are small, branches and leaves are dense, the tree shape is neat, the leaf color is dark green, and the branchlets are slightly zigzag, which is very suitable for making bonsai.

Mosquito mother likes warm, moist and sunny environment, resistant to semi-overcast and slightly cold-resistant. The bonsai that has been formed can be maintained in a place with bright light and air circulation during the growing period, keep the basin soil moist at ordinary times, avoid drought, often spray water to the leaf surface, make the leaf color dark green and bright; apply mature thin liquid fertilizer once a month.

High temperature in summer to avoid hot sun exposure, so as not to cause the edge of the leaf scorched. Because of its exuberant growth and strong germination, it should often pick the heart, hit the head, and cut off the branches that affect the tree shape, so as to make the bonsai compact and beautiful.

Winter moved to the cold room to overwinter, the temperature is controlled at 0 ℃ to 10 ℃, do not irrigate too much water, make the plant dormant, in order to facilitate the growth of the coming year.

The plant is reshaped before germination every spring, cutting off dense branches, over-long branches, disease and insect branches and other branches that affect the beauty of the tree, so as to promote the development of new branches and leaves in order to improve the ornamental quality of bonsai.

As the mosquito mother is a foliage tree species, inflorescences should be removed in time during flowering so as not to blossom and bear fruit so as to ensure the normal growth of leaves. The basin is turned every 2 to 3 years in spring, and the basin soil is required to be rich in humus, fertile and loose, with good drainage and ventilation.


1. Daily maintenance according to habit, heavy water and fertilizer, high temperature and humidity, half-shade and half-sun management

2. After the new leaves grow to dark green, they can be pruned 3-4 times a year. Fertilizers should be applied before pruning.

3, do not lose water, otherwise the growth is poor, light withered branches, heavy withered piles.